Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
The intent of this resource is to provide clinicians with a general guideline of the
post-operative rehabilitation of patients undergoing a total shoulder arthroplasty
(TSA). This guideline is not intended to mandate the course of patient care. If
there are concerns regarding the patient’s clinical presentation, please consult
and collaborate with your colleagues and the referring physician as needed.
Progression through this guideline as well as overall expected goals are ultimately
determined by the pathology that led to the need of the TSA ranging from
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, humeral fracture, etc. A review of the
patient’s past medical history and operative notes to determine the technique
that was used to complete the TSA (i.e. lesser tuberosity osteotomy, subscapularis
peel, or subscapularis tenodesis). Knowing your patient’s prior level of function
will also be helpful in establishing appropriate goals for the patient. A full course
of post-operative physical therapy for this patient population is between 4-6
months depending on the specific surgical interventions. Total recovery time
could be 12-18 months. While many may not regain full range of motion, most are
expected to achieve functional mobility. Outcome will depend on the patient’s
past medical history, pathology necessitating the TSA, and individual functional
goals. Virtual visits are appropriate for treatment sessions for this patient
population while completing assessments in person.
Background Information
In order to best use this guideline as part of your clinical decision-making process,
it is important to understand the various surgical techniques including what
anatomical structures are involved. This information as well as a familiarity with
current literature will help clinicians provide the best possible care for successful
rehabilitation. Typically, a TSA is performed through the deltopectoral interval,
and the surgeons visualize and access the glenohumeral joint through either a
lesser tuberosity osteotomy, subscapularis peel, or subscapularis tenodesis.
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Knowing which approach was performed is vital to a patient’s prognosis as
subscapularis dysfunction is associated with pain, weakness, and/or anterior
instability and ultimately failure. While studies have shown no significant
biomechanical difference between these techniques,
others have shown that
load-to-failure force of the repair is stronger with a lesser tuberosity osteotomy.
This may be due to bone-to-bone healing in the lesser tuberosity osteotomy
requiring less healing time which allows for acceleration of exercise progressions.
This process is theoretically slower for tendon-to-bone healing at the lesser
tuberosity involved in a subscapularis peel or tendon-to-tendon healing in a
subscapularis tenodesis.
Complication rates are low following TSA but range from anterosuperior
instability due to poor subscapularis function, posteroinferior instability, superior
rotator cuff tears, broken screws, and implant loosening.
If a subscapularis
repair is involved, studies have shown a failure rate between 13 and 47%.
According to Singh et al., the implant survivorship rate at 20 years is 81%.
factors that may affect patient success include medical history such as slowed
healing times due to diabetes and osteoporosis as well as lifestyle choices
including smoking.
Regardless of the technique of surgery performed, understanding the importance
of subscapularis healing in the rehabilitation process is important to a patient’s
success. However, there is no consensus in the literature on what that means for
the timing of progressions. In the first stage of post-operative care, it is important
to minimize subscapularis muscle activation and stress to allow for proper
healing. Therefore, exercise should be passive and limited in planes of motion. A
2016 study by Denard and Lätterman concluded that there were minimal negative
outcomes after delaying range of motion (ROM) to at least four weeks post-
operatively to allow for subscapularis healing while there is a risk of failure from a
lack of full tissue healing with immediate ROM.
Furthermore, studies have shown
no difference in long-term shoulder function between immediate and delayed
A 2014 study suggested that prolonged immobilization is important for
older patients or for those who had larger cuff tears.
EMG studies have shown
minimal general muscle activation with small-diameter pendulums if performed
as well as with passive flexion with table slides,
a cane, and manual
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Other EMG studies demonstrated that pulley exercises are not passive
and therefore place healing tissue under increased stress.
Muraki et al. found
the greatest strain on the subscapularis in external rotation especially in
Furthermore, it is vital to teach patients how to properly don and
doff a sling as studies have shown high subscapularis activity in these
Patients should also limit other independent movements during
activities of daily living (ADLs) to allow for subscapularis healing including avoiding
tucking in the back of a shirt, reaching into a back pocket, and reaching to
contralateral axilla as with bathing.
Patients can advance to the next rehabilitation stage if their pain is minimal and if
their motor control is optimal. Studies show that scapulothoracic motion
contributes significantly to shoulder motion following TSA, so periscapular
strengthening is important to promote scapular control while minimizing stress in
the glenohumeral joint.
Deltoid, rotator cuff, and periscapular muscle
strengthening can begin once maximal functional ROM has been achieved and
based on the stages of tissue healing.
Later stages of post-operative rehabilitation are focused on strengthening and
regaining function. Gaunt et al.
demonstrated that maximum muscle activation of
the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and anterior deltoid occurs with upright active
and Cahill et al. highlighted that at 90 degrees of elevation, the force
through the glenohumeral joint is about ten times the weight of the upper
Furthermore, much of the research done for rotator cuff repairs
suggests that loaded exercises should not be started earlier than 12 weeks to
allow for sufficient bone-to-tendon healing and integration.
When a patient is
pain-free, has good motor control, and has met other necessary requirements, it
is important to gradually introduce active and strengthening exercises.
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
These time frames are just examples and can be adjusted based on the given procedure
Progression to the next phase based on achieving both Clinical Criteria as well as Time Frames. Variance from
this needs to be reviewed with surgeon. Suggestions for home exercise program (HEP) provided.
Phase I Immediate Post-Surgical Phase (Day 1)
- Understanding how to don/doff sling
- Understanding activity restrictions for proper soft tissue healing
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Sleeping (6-8 weeks): wear sling with a small pillow or towel roll under entire upper arm
to avoid shoulder hyperextension and resulting strain on subscapularis as well as anterior
- Keep incision clean and dry (no soaking for 2 weeks)
Things to avoid
- Active range of motion (AROM)
- Weight-bearing through involved extremity (i.e. pushing up from seated position, rolling
over in bed, etc.)
Criteria for
progression to
the next phase
- Understands importance of sling use and adhering to instructions
- Avoids active movements to ensure proper soft tissue healing
- Independent in donning and doffing sling
Sling, immobilization strap, and/or abduction pillow
Type per surgeon preference based on
surgical intervention
Worn for 4-6 weeks depending on surgical
procedure and underlying pathology
necessitating TSA
Can be removed for showering and to
complete rehabilitation home exercises
Elbow/Forearm AROM
With upper arm at patient’s side
Elbow flexion and extension focusing on full
Forearm pronation and supination
HEP: to be completed multiple times a day
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Wrist AROM
With arm in sling or supported on table
Wrist flexion, extension, ulnar deviation, and
radial deviation
Wrist circles
HEP: to be completed 3-5x a day
Hand/Finger AROM
With arm in sling or supported on table
Finger flexion and extension at every joint
Gentle gripping activities
HEP: to be completed 3-5x a day
To control pain
HEP: can be complete multiple times a day
15-20 minutes
Phase II Protection Phase (Day 2 - Week 6)
- Allow for soft tissue healing
- Protect subscapularis tenodesis or lesser tuberosity osteotomy
- Reduce muscular guarding
- Become independent with ADLs, bed mobility, and transfers with modifications as needed
while wearing the sling
- Restore active range of motion elbow, wrist, and hand
- Continued use of sling including when sleeping except when showering and with PT and
home exercises
- Light, pain-free ADLs only with modifications as needed (i.e. brushing teeth, dressing,
- Keep incision clean and dry (no soaking for 2 weeks)
- Shoulder external rotation (ER) PROM limited to at most 20° to prevent passive tension
on repaired subscapularis tendon especially in abduction
- Shoulder internal rotation (IR) AROM and resisted exercises limited to prevent tension in
repaired subscapularis tendon
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Things to avoid
- Shoulder AROM (At 90° of elevation, the force through the glenohumeral joint is about
ten times the weight of the extremity; therefore, do not start active elevation too early to
allow for proper soft tissue healing)
- Stress on anterior shoulder
- Excessive shoulder motion behind the back especially into IR
- Excessive stretching or sudden movements especially into ER
- Painful ADLs
- Lifting activities (including drinking if subscapularis involved in surgery)
- Driving while in sling for 4-6 weeks
- Weight-bearing through involved extremity (i.e. pushing up from seated position, rolling
over in bed, etc.)
Criteria for
progression to
the next phase
- Minimal pain
- Flexion PROM at least 120°
- ER PROM 15-20°
NOTE: If the patient has not reached the above ROM, forceful stretching, PROM, and/or mobilization/manipulation
are not indicated. Continue with gradual ROM and mobilizations (Gr II for pain control and Gr III-IV for ROM and
capsular restrictions) while respecting soft tissue constraints.
Interventions (1 PT treatment session every 1-2 weeks including virtual visits):
PROM Flexion and scaption
In pain-free ROM
Without placing undue stress on the soft
tissue structures or surgical repair
Avoid stretching
To be started in weeks 4-6
Through pain-free ROM
To neutral at first to counter prolonged sling
use or to 20 degrees depending on surgical
Scapulothoracic mobilizations
With upper extremity supported in scapular
plane and neutral rotation
Glenohumeral Joint mobilizations
Grade I-II for pain control
Avoid overstraining anterior shoulder
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
AAROM Flexion
In supine and sitting
Through pain-free ROM
HEP: to be completed 3-4x a day
Cervical AROM
Through pain-free ROM
Chin tucks in supine, sitting, and/or standing
HEP: to be completed 2x a day
Cervical muscle stretches: upper trapezius, levator,
and scalenes
Into pain-free range of motion
3x30 second holds
HEP: to be completed 2x a day
Scapular retractions
With arm in sling and sitting in good posture
Performed gently and through comfortable
ROM without straining anterior shoulder
HEP: to be completed 3-4x a day
For muscle relaxation
Discourage large movement to avoid
activation of rotator cuff muscles
HEP: to be completed 3-4x a day
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Continue Elbow/Forearm and Hand/Wrist/Finger
AROM from previous stage
HEP: to be completed 2x a day
Continue Cryotherapy
Phase III Intermediate Phase (Weeks 6-10)
- Maximize ROM while allowing continued healing especially of the subscapularis or lesser
tuberosity osteotomy
- Optimize neuromuscular control
- Improve scapular strength
- Gradually weaning off sling excluding in uncontrolled environments (i.e. in crowds,
around dogs, etc.) for protection
- Be able to perform light ADLs independently and without pain
- Demonstrate the ability to isometrically activate all components of the deltoid as well as
scapular musculature
- Repetitive active motions
Things to avoid
- Painful or more strenuous ADLs
- ADLs involving reaching into extension and IR causing stress to anterior shoulder
structures (i.e. reaching into back pocket, tucking in back of shirt, etc.)
- Lifting anything heavier than a cup of coffee
- Weight bearing through involved arm
Criteria for
progression to
the next phase
- Tolerates advanced PROM program
- Tolerates isometric program for muscle activation
- Flexion AROM 90° in standing with normal scapulohumeral mechanics
- Flexion PROM at least 140°
- ER PROM 30°
Interventions (1 PT treatment session every 1-2 weeks including virtual visits):
PROM Flexion, scaption, ER, and abduction
ER to be completed in neutral or scapular
Avoid increasing abduction as greatest strain
on subscapularis is with ER at 90 degrees
In pain-free ROM
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Continue Scapulothoracic mobilizations from
previous stage
Continue Glenohumeral Joint mobilizations from
previous stage
Grade III-IV for ROM and capsular
AAROM Flexion, scaption, ER, and abduction
In pain-free range of motion
Start with cane, table slides, etc.; then added
HEP: to be complete 3-4x a day for short hold
(times 2-3 seconds)
AROM Flexion and scaption
In pain-free ROM
Focus on proper scapulohumeral rhythm and
body mechanics
HEP: to be completed 2-3x a day for short
hold times (2-3 seconds)
Postural Exercises Supine Serratus Anterior
Focus on eccentric scapular control on return
to start
HEP: to be completed 2-4x a day
Isometrics Deltoids
Flexion and extension
Submaximal pressure
5 second holds
HEP: to be completed 2-4x a day
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Isometrics ER and IR
To be completed initially starting at doorway
Submaximal pressure
5 second holds
Progress to stepping against resistance band
at or after week 8
HEP: to be completed 2x a day
Distal upper extremity strengthening
Wrist flexion, extension, ulnar and radial
deviations, as well as forearm supination and
Start with 1-3# hand weights
HEP: to be completed 1x a day
Phase IV Advanced Strengthening Phase (Week 10-16)
Things to avoid
Criteria for
progression to
the next phase
Interventions (1 PT treatment session a week):
AROM all planes of motion
Focus on body mechanics
HEP: to be completed 2-3x a day for
short holds times (2-3 seconds)
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Manual Rhythmic Stabilizations
Patient in supine or standing (i.e. ball on
table, wall, etc.)
IR/ER in 0° of elevation
Submaximal and pain-free
Postural Strengthening
Focus on body mechanics
Rows with resistance bands
Extensions with resistance bands
HEP: to be completed 1-2x a day
Weight Bearing Exercises
To be started at or after week 12
Weight shifting, table/wall ball rolls, etc.
and gradually progress to quadruped
To improve scapular stability
HEP: to be completed 1-2x a day
Stretching Posterior Capsule Stretch
In pain-free ROM
3x30 second holds
HEP: to be completed 2-3x a day
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Progressive Resistive Exercises
Biceps curls
Triceps extensions
Bent-over rows
IR and ER in neutral with resistance
bands or in sidelying
Progress to bilateral GH ER at or after
week 12
HEP: to be completed 1-2x a day
AAROM Extension and behind the back cross
body adduction
To be started at or after week 12
In pain-free range of motion
Focus on upright posture to avoid stress
on anterior shoulder structures
HEP: to be complete 1-3x a day for short
hold (times 2-3 seconds)
Stretching Shoulder IR Behind-the-Back with
In pain-free ROM
Focus on upright posture to avoid stress
on anterior shoulder structures
3x30 second holds
HEP: to be completed 1-2x a day
Note: Add to program of those who have
achieved good shoulder extension and behind the
back cross adduction only; those with a limited
goal approach may not need to progress to this
Phase V Return to Activity Phase (Weeks 16-24)
- Restore pain-free functional ROM
- Restore functional strength
- Progress weight bearing exercises as appropriate
- Repetitive overhead lifting (communicate with surgeon for specifics)
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Things to avoid
- Activities and exercises that stress the anterior capsule and subscapularis (i.e. combined
abduction and ER exercises, throwing motions, goal post pectoralis stretching, etc.)
Continue exercises and stretches from previous
Progress resistance band interventions
as appropriate
Progress to weights as appropriate
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
In pain-free ROM
With resistance bands and/or weights
Sports/Work-specific training
As needed
Focusing on proper mechanics including
scapulohumeral rhythm
Criteria for discharge from skilled therapy:
Independence and compliance with home exercise program to be continued 2-3x a week for continued
improvement in muscle strength and endurance
Able to maintain pain-free AROM in multiple planes of motion
Normal scapulohumeral rhythm with upper extremity elevation
Maximized functional use of affect upper extremity
Restored functional strength of upper extremity
Returned to advanced functional activities
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
1) How long should a patient wear a sling?
A patient can start to wean from the sling between 6 and 10 weeks depending on past
medical history, intraoperative intervention performed, and surgeon recommendations
2) What are the positional precautions after a total shoulder arthroplasty if a subscapularis repair is
External rotation especially in an abducted position
Hyperextension as with sleeping without a sling or towel roll for support, particularly in the
early post-operative phases
3) What are the initial active movement precautions following a total shoulder arthroplasty if a subscapularis
repair is performed?
Active internal rotation with ADLs such as tucking in shirt
Weight-bearing activities such as with sit-to-stands and bed moblity
Lifting ADLs
Any movements that put stress on anterior shoulder structures
4) How long are these precautions necessary?
Depending on the surgery performed, 10-12 weeks depending on past medical history,
intraoperative intervention performed, and surgeon recommendations
5) When is it appropriate to begin AA/AROM?
Approximately 6 weeks post-operative based on past medical history, intraoperative findings,
surgical intervention performed, and surgeon recommendations
6) Why are these limitations so important for these patients?
Most of the precautions in these rehabilitation guidelines, especially in stage II, are to protect
the subscapularis tenodesis or less tuberosity osteotomy to allow for increased soft tissue
healing. Failure of the subscapularis repair can lead to increased pain, weakness, anterior
shoulder instability, early glenoid loosening, and reduced patient-reported outcomes.
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Immediate Post-
(Day 1)
- Sling use as
- No AROM or
weight bearing (WB)
- Understand activity
restriction and sling use
- Decreased pain and
- Elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, finger
- Cryotherapy
(Day 2 - Week 6)
- Sling use
- Light, pain-free
ADLs only
especially IR, ER
PROM >20°
- No WB
- No lifting
- No driving
- Protect subscapularis
- Tissue healing
- Restore active elbow,
wrist, and hand movement
- Decrease muscle guarding
- Independence in light
- 120° flexion PROM
- 15-20° ER PROM
- Minimal pain
- Flexion and ER PROM
- Scapulothoracic mobilizations
- Glenohumeral joint mobilizations
(Gr I-II for pain control)
- Cervical AROM and stretches
- Scapular retractions
- Pendulums
(Weeks 6-10)
- No painful or
strenuous ADLs
- No lifting more
than coffee mug
- No WB
- No reaching into
extension and IR
- No repetitive
active motions
- Protect subscapularis
- Scapular strengthening
- Optimize neuromuscular
- Weaning from sling
- Tolerate isometric muscle
- 90° flexion AROM in
- >140° flexion PROM
- 30° ER PROM
- Flexion, scaption, ER, and
abduction PROM
- Scapulothoracic mobilizations
- Glenohumeral joint mobilizations
(Gr III-IV for joint mobility)
- Flexion, ER, abduction, and
scaption AAROM
- Deltoid, IR, and ER isometrics
- Serratus anterior protraction
- Distal upper extremity
(Weeks 10-16)
- No repetitive
activities especially
against gravity
- No lifting >10#
- No heavy
- No sudden jerking
- Protect subscapularis
- Increase AROM
- Return to functional
- Increase strength
- 140° flexion AROM
- 160° flexion PROM
- 60° ER PROM
- AROM all planes
- Rhythmic stabilizations
- Postural strengthening
- WB exercises
- Stretching (behind the back and
across the chest)
- Progressive Resistive Exerises
Return to Activity
(Weeks 16-24)
- Repetitive
overhead lifting
- Stress on
(throwing, etc.)
- Protect subscapularis
- Restore pain-free
functional ROM and
- Progress to WB exercises
- Continue with strengthening
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
- Work/Sports-specific training
Is a BWH clinical competency associated with the document: Yes
Author Reviewers
Rachel Laufer, PT August 2022 Reg B. Wilcox III, PT August 2022
Stephanie Boudreau, PT August 2022
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
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Department of Rehabilitation Services
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Guideline
Copyright © 2022 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
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