HCM: Request Reference Letter Team Member
Last Modified: 5/28/2021 1
Use this job aid to request a reference letter to provide
employment or wage verification.
Request Reference Letter
From your home screen:
1. Navigate to the search bar and type Reference Letter. Click
Request Reference Letter.
2. In the Reference Letter field, select the letter type.
3. In the Document Language field, defaults to English. Select
alternative language if available.
4. Click Submit.
5. Navigate to your Workday Inbox and open the Request
Reference Letter task.
6. Click the document to review it.
7. Click I Agree.
8. Click Submit and Done.
9. Navigate to the search bar and type Worker Documents.
Select Maintain My Worker Documents.
10. In the Generated Documents section, click the document to
open a preview and click
to download it.