Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Title I Schoolwide Plan
Please use the assigned Nebraska Department of Education
County District and School Numbers in the table below.
To complete text areas click in grey box and type
District Name:
Omaha Public Schools
County Dist. No.:
School Name:
Omaha South High Magnet
County District School Number:
School Grade span:
Preschool program is supported with Title I funds. (Mark appropriate box)
Yes No
Summer school program is supported with Title I funds. (Mark appropriate box)
Yes No
Indicate subject area(s) of focus in this Schoolwide
Reading/Language Arts
(Specify)_Science & Transition Program
(Middle School to High School & High School
to College/Career)__
School Principal Name:
Ms. Jodi Pesek
School Principal Email Address:
School Mailing Address:
4519 S 24 Street
Omaha, NE 68107
School Phone Number:
Additional Authorized Contact Person
Susana Lara
Email of Additional Contact Person:
Superintendent Name:
Dr. Cheryl Logan
Superintendent Email Address:
Confirm all Instructional Paras are Highly Qualified according to ESSA.
Yes No
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Confirm Schoolwide Plan will be available to the School District, Parents
and the Public.
Yes No
Names of Planning Team
(include staff, parents & at least one student if Secondary School)
Titles of those on Planning Team
Adriana Morales
Jodi Pesek
Susana Lara
Stacy Stambaugh
Andrew Wiener
Veronica Huerta
Lindsay Anderson
Hannah Holguin
Julie Johnson
Shawn Hoschar
Coral Hannah
Mary Espinosa
Belen Madera
BCurriculum Specialist
Curriculum Specialist
Dean of Students
Data Principal
Curriculum Specialist
Assistant Principal
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Specialist
Instructional Facilitator
School Information
(As of the last Friday in September)
Average Class Size: 30
Number of Certified Instruction Staff: 145
Race and Ethnicity Percentages
White: 9 %
Hispanic: 83 %
Asian: .5 %
Black/African American: 5 %
American Indian/Alaskan Native: 2 %
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: 0 %
Two or More Races: 1 %
Other Demographics Percentages (may be found on NEP https://nep.education.ne.gov/)
Poverty: 87.73 %
English Learner: 18 %
Mobility: 9.72 %
Assessments used in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment
(ie. NSCAS, MAP, ITBS, AIMS web, DIBELS, CAT etc.)
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Please write a narrative in each box below to correspond to the
Rating Rubric.
Place documentation in corresponding folder on flash drive to support the narrative.
1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Please provide a narrative below describing how data was used from a comprehensive needs
assessment of the entire school to identify the needs of all children, particularly those who are failing, or
are at-risk of failing to meet State academic standards, and how this analysis was used to plan
curriculum, instruction and assessment decisions.
Omaha South High uses a systematic approach to analyze district and school data to identify and act on needs
of our student population. Every stakeholder is involved in part of the process to improve student
achievement. Departments meet weekly or monthly to identify strategies and interventions, students are
taught how to self-assess through Pack on Track and parents are provided with resources to support students.
Counselors, deans and administrators meet to track behavior and attendance that is adversely affecting
student achievement.
Enrollment Data:
As Omaha Public Schools moved to remote/blended learning in 2020-21, the need for every student to have a
device was of great importance. Therefore, every South High student was equipped with a device. Title 1
funds were used to purchase class keyboards, styluses and calculators for 1:1 use.
MAP data is used to inform instruction, create planned interventions and ensure correct placement.
ELPA data is used to determine initial eligibility, ensure correct placement and support and determine what
students can exit the ELL program.
Grade Data:
Teachers look at their list of failing students to adjust instruction. Grade data is also used to make decisions
about course-pacing as well as need for individual interventions.
Grade Data-Parental Involvement
Bi-weekly, grades are run in order to identify students with failing grades in one or more subjects. The calling
team not only notifies parents/guardians regarding grades but also works with finding strategies to help the
student succeed based on needs. The personal phone calls have shown to be more successful than automated
calls. Quarterly, a list of students failing only one class is generated and distributed to staff so teachers can
focus interventions on that one particular course.
Grade Data-Planned Intercession
In order to support students whose grade were adversely affected by blended/remote learning, the school in
planned intercession days to help students who were behind academically. Based on data across all curricular-
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
areas with before and after evaluation of grade distribution, the data measured the efficacy of the
Grade Data: PLC's
PLC's meet weekly to review grade data and collaborate. Data is also shaping the way course PLC teams are
working together to design curriculum and common formative and summative assessments. Departments
meet monthly to reflect on teaching strategies and interventions to support
Grade Data, Credit Data, Attendance Data, FAFSA, On Track- Support Seniors
The counseling department uses attendance data to support families and connect them to resources in the
community. Counselors use On Track data sheet that is shared with leadership to target students for credit
recovery and offer daily support through senior symposium during all four lunch periods. Counselors use
FAFSA Completion Data from the State of Nebraska to target that may not be eligible for FAFSA. Counselors
support students that are DACA/Undocumented by helping them complete the College Funding Estimator.
Naviance College Data- Counselors target this to seniors that have not applied to college yet, and or support
students by sending transcripts and other needed requirements. Scholarship Data in Naviance data allows us to
see where we, as a school, where we can make improvements or what to target to help students to achieve
their goal.
Attendance Data-Parent Involvement
Attendance data is used by deans and counselors to contact guardians as soon as a student has
accumulated the equivelant of 10 days of absences
Climate Survey Data:
The school continually reviews programs for improvement. The feedback from surveys helps us identify areas
of growth.
ELL Data
Due to the increase in the ELL population, an additional bilingual liaison position was created. The bilingual
liaisons are also all part of the calling TEAM and one also works on the parent engagement team.
Coaching Data:
Curriculum specialists and department heads visit classrooms and have coaching conversations with teachers in
order to support teacher capacity.
Supporting douments:
9th grade Committee On Track Plan
Attendance Data
List of district interpreters and school based bilingual liaisons
Climate Survey
Coaching Data
Credit Data
D's and F's Intervention
Data Driven Dialogue sheet to use for teacher/leadership reflection at dept. meetings/PLC's
ELPA21 (email)
ELL Enrollment
F'Data (Email)
Interercession feedback (WL)
Intercession Memo
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Leadership Agenda (2/22/21)
Leadership Meeting Data Report for leadership meeting
On Track D's and F's Data
Ipad Distribution (email)
Please provide a narrative below describing how information from parents and community was gathered
to identify the needs of the school. Provide supporting documentation in the corresponding folder.
Monthly parent meetings are used to meet three goals: provide transparency, (school/district updates, share
school data and answer parent questions/concerns), create a space for parent collaboration, and connect
parents to school and community resources to supply academic and behavioral support. Feedback from
parents and community drive the parent engagement program for the year. Feedback is collected through a
variety of ways. Parents are given an opportunity to participate at each parent meeting, answer survey
questions in English or Spanish at parent meetings or take online surveys. The parent engagement team
reviews feedback from parents in order to meet the needs of the stakeholders. The district generates a parent
survey in online format and in paper format that is historically given to parents at parent teacher conferences
or Open House.
The school seeks ways to improve and increase parent engagement. From conversations with parents and data
from parent surveys, it was discovered that parents did not know how to navigate the school system
(contacting teachers, using parent portal). In addition the feedback showed the transition from middle school
to high school was not only difficult for students but for parents. Therefore, the freshman committee and
parent engagement program are proposing having a freshman orientation night so parents and students know
what to expect as their student enters high school. We have done modified versions of this program during
our 8th grade Magnet Open House and Fall Open House. The parent orientation will be a separate piece in
order to form positive parent & school relationships early and thus increase parent trust and engagement.
Supporting Documents:
9th Grade Committee-(proposal for Parent Orientation)
Climate Survey
Parent Committee Plan
Parent Survey
parent Survey Results
Parent Engagement Action Plan
Parent Survey (Spanish)
Parent Teacher Conference Trend
Title 1 Parent & Families Agenda
Parent & Teacher Conference Spring 2020 Trend
Parent Survey Reslts
Title &Parent & Families Agenda (Sep '19)
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Please provide a narrative below describing the on-going improvement efforts, which should support the
Continuous School Improvement Plan. Provide supporting documentation in the corresponding folder.
Omaha Public Schools Strategic Plan of Action's mission is the focus for the district: to prepare every student,
every day, for success. The shared values of equity, results, leadership, accountability and joy are part of what
we strive for every day at Omaha South. Teachers, students, parents and school leadership have worked hard
to create a plan of action to help our students grow academically and learn skills they can use once they exit
high school. Therefore, we have designed a plan in order to support our mission.
Schoolwide Plan (SIP)
The schoolwide plan is divided into three components: academic, attendance, and wellness. The academic
component is aimed at improving the graduation rate, increasing math, reading and science scores. Our
attendance goal focuses on increasing attendance rate through MTSS-B, parental involvement, and targeted
Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
In order to support our schoolwide plan, English, social studies and the math department have formed PLC's .
The PLC's meet weekly or bi-weekly to collaborate, create common assessments and focus on failing students.
Administrators and deans meet every other week to track attendance and make calls home.
Parental Involvement:
In the spring of 2021, a calling team consisting of teachers, bilingual liaisons, deans, department heads and
paraprofessionals made phone calls to homes of every student that has at least one F. Calls are made every
two weeks with the help of bilingual staff to ensure parents receive information in the language they best
understand. The personal calls are a springboard for collaborative conversations between parent/guardian and
school. Another way to involve parents to support student accountability is through parent meetings. At the
montly meetings parents, parents have an opportunity to learn things such as how to navigate parent portal
and connect with school personnel that can better assist them with specific needs. They are also provided with
other strategies to support their student.
Professional Development
Curriculum specialists and department heads do coaching visits with teachers and provide professional
development opportunities in order to improve teacher capacity and increase student achievement.
Department meetings focus on district and school/department specific needs and are a time for collaboration.
Attendance Team
The attendance goal is supported through various team efforts. The MTSS-B team provides professional
development using the Boys Town Model to improve teacher/student and student/student relationships. The
team creates lesson plans for advisement classes and makes coaching visits to classrooms. An attendance
team was created and meets weekly to review attendance dashboard data, identify student interventions and
review current active strategies and align additonal needed supports.
Packer Partner Program
The Packer Partner program has been in place for several years to provide additional support to select
freshman students. Upperclassmen are partnered with freshman students and meet weekly to do ON Track
activities, reinforce and reward positive change in behavior.
Positive Packers and Pack on Track
The Positive Packer program rewards positive behavior for all students. The program is reviewed annually for
improvement. It is part of our mission where we celebrate our students that are showing positive change. Pack
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
On Track holds students accountable for their own attendance and grade. Students have an opportunity to
look at their attendance and grades and create goals for improvement.
Planned Intercession Days
The 2020-21 school year challenged school leaders and teachers to find innovative ways to support students
that were not succeeding in class. As a result, South High provided planned intercession days where all
teachers were encouraged to have one on one conferences with students during class time to go over what
work was missing and how to receive additional support, such as tutoring or peer help.
Student Success Center Revamped
In the past, students that were unable to stay in the classroom due to behavior were sent to the Student
Success Center (SSC) for 1 to 3 days. Students worked independently on homework. What was found that
students did not change behavior and often ended back in SSC. Therefore, a teacher and paraprofessional now
work closely with students using the Boys Town Model. Students receive tutoring, learn positive behavior
strategies and have an opportunity to find better ways to respond in the classroom. The goal is to cut down on
behavior issues that hinder academic success.
Supporting Documents:
Email regarding F's Data
Intercession Robocall script
Leadership Agenda (11/16/20) Attendance Team info, SIP, PLC info
South SIP (Revised Nov 2020)
Coaching Plan
OPS Plan of Action
Pack on Track
Parent Portal Presentation PPT used for parent meetings
PLC's -SMARTER Goals for Math
Positive Packer Reinforcement Samples
SSC/PIC Boys Town Classroom
2. Schoolwide reform strategies
Please provide a narrative below describing the additional assistance provided for students at risk of not
meeting the challenging state academic standards. Provide supporting documentation in the
corresponding folder.
Title 1 funds are used to provide after school tutoring to all students. Information is sent to parents and
students via various methods of communication in Spanish and English. The district also provides funding to
support the athletic tutoring program. Students that are active in clubs or sports are eligible to receive tutoring.
To support our ELL students, two full-time paraprofessionals were hired to support students in math, reading,
social studies and science. They work in the classroom with teachers in order to provide immediate, one on
one or small group support.
Self-paced pre-algebra courses were created to assist students at risk of not meeting the math standards.
Math teachers, student helpers and/or parent volunteers work with students one on one or in a small group
setting. The targeted support helps alleviate anxiety often felt by students who struggle with math. The English
department offers Academic Literacy and the World Language department has a similar course for native
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Spanish-speakers, Spanish Literacy Skills. Both courses are targeted mostly to freshman students that need
additional reading/comprehension/writing support. In addition, the English department uses parallel texts to
support struggling readers and purchases classroom libraries to promote literacy among all students.
Additionally, we have added an Edmentum Credit Recovery requirement option for seniors who failed first
semester Personal Finance class. Personal Finance is a graduation requirement. cstudents that were
unsuccessful in their first semester are now offered the opportunity to make-up the deficiencies in a smaller
class sized room with individual help during the school day. The self-paced program provides self-paced,
individualized support for students.
Counselors created Senior Symposium to keep seniors on track and support them as they transition from high
school to college. Seniors are assigned to a separate part of the school where they eat lunch and have one-on-
one or small group support from counselors. During this time, seniors can check their credits, look at credit
recovery options, find support for FAFSA or scholarships, and receive any other support needed in order to
We have combined the policies and procedures of the PIC Boys Town Classroom with our Student Success
Center, Under the MTSSB framework we have adapted the Boys Town Behavior model to address the lacking
social skills that often get in the way of academic success. The intimate setting of the SSC/PIC classroom allows
the teacher and para to work with individual students--identifying obstacles that prevent them from
succeeding. Although SSC is often a consequence for negative behavior, our positive interactions with students
build and inspire much-needed student/teacher relationships. We work hard to turn a negative situation into a
positive interaction. Students may request time in the SSC/PIC classroom through their administrator, dean, or
guidance counselor.
Supporting Documents:
12th Grade Senior Fall Meeting
List of South High Supports
Naviance information
OPS Plan of Action
List of Paraprofessionals at Omaha South
Letter to parents explaining self-paced pre algebra class
Senior Symposium Information
(Self Assessment) List of Supports for school, classroom, student, parent engagement
Pre Algebra Syllabus
Virtual Tutoring instructions
2nd Semester Recovery Program enrollment
3. High quality and ongoing professional development
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Please provide a narrative below describing the professional development and other activities provided to
improve instructional effectiveness and use of academic data to guide instruction. Provide supporting
documentation in the corresponding folder.
Omaha Public Schools provides on-going district-wide professional development to schools utilizing a variety of
methods. OPS's Action Plan includes a variety of strategies in order to support teachers. School leaders,
administrators, curriculum specialists, department heads, and deans receive professional development at the
Secondary Instructional Leadership Network (SILN) meetings. The school leadership in turn provides the PD
with school staff. In addition, the district provides the New Teacher Institute to support teachers new to the
district. Teachers new to the district take part in the Take Flight Mentoring program where they meet with
their mentor teachers. In addition, new teachers participate in district and school specific PD sessions.
OPS partners with MInnesota Humanities and all teachers are invited to take part in the professional
development opportunities.
Omaha South High, in addition, provides professional development in a variety of ways. At Omaha South, we
believe in order to establish a culture of trust and professionalism, it is important to facilitate opportunities for
teacher input, leadership and collaboration. Teachers are surveyed regarding professional development that
will best support teacher capacity at South. A large part of the PD for the year is based on teacher feedback
and PD that supports the OPS Action Plan and Gradual Release of Instruction. Teachers also given
opportunities to present professional development to their colleagues. Title 1 funding is set aside each year to
support professional development, collaboration and curriculum planning.
The Coaching Team created a coaching plan based on coaching feedback and the OPS Action Plan. Department
heads, curriculum specialists, and deans do coaching classroom visits and have regular coaching conversations.
In turn, the coaching team shares what they have observed in classrooms in order to highlight strenths to
discuss opportunities for growth. Professional support is provided through coaching conversations and
Professional Learning Communities are also another method through which professional development is
provided. English, math and social teachers meet regularly to collaborate.
In addition, we have partnered with Boys Town to support MTSS-B plan. Every staff member received training
in the Boys Town Model. A group of teachers and deans were trained as Boys Town trainers and offer follow
up PD opportunities and coach teachers to ensure MTSS-B goals are understood and used. Our school
community also invited Minnesota Humanities and Inclusive Communities to present PD to staff in order to
provide a safe, welcoming environment for all students.
Supporting Documents:
Take Flight Mentor Program
New Teacher Institute Booklet
Boys Town Consultation
Coaching Data
Coaching Plan 2021
Inclusive Communities (contract)
PD Rotation Schedule (teachers teaching PD/looking at data/building relationships)
Minnesota Humanities Flyer
Inclusive Communities Contract
Dept. Survey
School Improvement Leadership Network (SILN)
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
South SILN Minutes
Email (PD Teacher led)
Teacher Survey re. PD
4. Strategies to increase parent and family engagement
Please provide a narrative below describing how the School-Parent Compact was jointly developed and
how it is distributed. Provide supporting documentation in the corresponding folder.
Parents/Guardians and school staff work jointly to develop the school-parent compact. The compact is
reviewed twice annually. In the fall, parents have an opportunity to review the compact during one of the
monthly Parent and Families Engagement meetings. In the spring, parents have an opportunity to review the
plan and provide input for changes for the following year. The compact is provided on the school website in
Spanish and English as well as in the school handbook that is distributed to each student.
Supporting Documents:
School Compact (Spanish)
Parent Mtg: Title 1 Compact Review
South Student Handbook (with Compact)
Attendance Sheet from Review
Please provide a narrative below describing how parents were involved in developing the Title I Parent
and Family Engagement Policy or Procedure. Provide supporting documentation in the corresponding
Initially, the parent engagement policy was created with input from a team of parents, teachers, and
community partners. From that initial meeting, a parent team was created where parents and a group of staff
members work jointy to develop a school engagement policy. In addition, parents provide feedback through
surveys and at monthly meetings to ensure the school is providing engaging, relevant and educational
opportunities for families. The parent engagement team, consisting of the Title 1 Facilitator, teachers, bilingual
liaisons, and community partners then create parent meetings that include various topics based on feedback
from the surveys and parent team members.
Supporting Documents:
District Policy (Spanish)
District Policy (English)
Ice Breaker for parent meeting
Parent Meeting Agenda
Parent Committee Plan
List of Attendees to parent meetings
Parent Policy (Spanish)
Sample Presentations for Parent Meeting : Parent Portal
Parent & Family Action Plan
Parent Survey given to parents that participated in English classes
Parent Survey Results (Spanish)
South High School Policy (Spanish)
Survey Results
South High School Policy (English)
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Please provide a narrative below describing how and when the annual Title I parent meeting is/was held
informing parents of the school’s participation in Title I. Provide supporting documentation in the
corresponding folder.
The Title 1 parent meeting is usually held in the fall to inform parents about the school's participaton in Title 1.
For the 20-21 school year, the presentation took place in the winter via TEAMS. Omaha South High provides
monthly meetings that provide information regarding Title 1 and how funding is used to support students in
need of additional academic support.
Supporting Documents:
School Compact
Parent Engagement Photos
School Compact (English)
South High Compact Presentation (English)
South High Compact Meeting (Spanish)
Attendance List for Compact Presentation
5. Transition Plan
Please provide a narrative below describing the school’s transition plan for incoming students to support,
coordinate and integrate services from their previous program or school (i.e. Headstart and/or other Early
Childhood Program to Elementary, Elementary to Intermediate, Intermediate to Middle School, Middle
School to High School).
Omaha South High with district support, developed a transition plan for students. Some components of the
plan have been in place already and in 20-21, a freshman committee was created to develop a plan support
Freshman Students.
Freshman Academy
This introductory course is for all freshman students that will introduce them to the high school experience by
discovering school opportunities in career-based pathway and academy programming, will build a plan for their
high and post-high school experiences, and will focus on learning strategies for successful transitioning into the
high school environment. Students will engage in content in this course exploring the Omaha Public School
Portrait of a Graduate, benchmarks of a College and Career Continuum, and Nebraska's College and Career
Readiness Standards.
Freshman Only Day
In order to ensure a smooth transition, the district offers a freshman-only day for students. Omaha South High
Packer Mentors and their sponsor, prepare the day's activities. Every freshman receives supplies and is
grouped in smaller advisement groups so students can feel more comfortable asking questions and creating
new positive relationships with each other.
Packer Mentors
Students are chosen based on 8th grade attendance, grades, behavior, and teacher or parent
recommendations for the Packer Mentor program. Freshman students are paired with a junior or senior and
meet with them once a week. The Packer mentors go through an interview process and once chosen, are
trained before they work with Freshman students. Packer mentors meet during the freshman student's lunch
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
periods and work on relationship building, review grades and attendance and participate in volunteer
On Track Program:
The On Track program focuses on building relationships, involving parents, and building supports in order to
ensure freshman students are on track. Deans, counselors and the principal review on track data from the
previous year to target students that need additional support. Teachers work with their students during
advisement to review grades and attendance and create goals for success. Part of student success is trust and
positive relationships with staff; therefore, all staff received Boys Town Training and the School Success Center
(SCC) was revamped in order to create a space where students that may have not had success in a class on a
particular day can work on a plan for success in the future. The On Track student accountability piece
empowers students to take control of their success and create specific, reachable goals.
Freshman Success MOEC Training
Omaha South High, with district support, has developed an On Track program and is continuing to review and
implement ways to support students transitioning from middle school to high school. School teachers and
leaders are are trained in order to create a school support team to support freshman students.
In the past, Omaha South High provided a Jumpstart program for incoming students. There was a specialized
Jumpstart for Dual Language students. During the summer of 2020, incoming freshman, school leaders
reviewed MAP scores, attendance, behavior, and 8th grade recommendations to send personal invitations to
freshman students. For 2021, the district will provide guidance to high schools regarding the program.
Supporting Documents
9th grade Committee-outlines a plan for freshman support
List of Packer Mentors (sample from 17-18 school year)
Freshman Success MOEC Training
Freshman Only Day document
Jumpstart PPT
Pack on Track PPT
Packer Mentor email
PackOn Track Staff email
Pack on Track PPT
SSC/Boys Town Classroom
Please provide a narrative below describing the school’s transition plan for outgoing students as they
move onto their next school / program / career. (i.e. Elementary to Intermediate, Intermediate to Middle
School, Middle School to High School, High School to Post Secondary Schooling or Career).
Omaha South High has a number of programs to assist students to move onto their nexschool/program/career.
Dual Credit & AP
Omaha South High offers over 60 dual credit opportunities to students through AP, Career Academy and
teacher academy through four partner colleges/universities. Students also have an opportunity to earn college
credit through twenty-three advanced placement (AP) courses.
Career Center, Metropolitan Community College Career Opportunities
Omaha Public Schools offers classes such as digital video production, welding, automotive technology, and
others to all high school students . South High students are able to participate in Career Center activities their
junior year and be on track for graduation.
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
UNMC High School Alliance and Omaha Henry Doorley Zoo Partnerships
Juniors and seniors interested in animal health and health professions can take courses to give them a jump
start on their path to career/college.
Senior Symposium
An area of the school is set aside for seniors during their lunch period known as Senior Symposium. In Senior
Symposium, students receive additional support from counselors and college/community representatives.
They can also use the time to complete their FAFSA, meet with counselors, college repsentative or apply for
jobs. Counselors notify students of opportunities via Naviance, email, the school bulletin, counselor bulletin,
and the school website.
Senior Success Saturdays
Senior and parents are invited to attend Senior Success Saturdays where they can meet with counselors
regarding college/career goals. Seniors receive one on one help with FAFSA and scholarships. Teachers are
available to edit scholarship essays, review personal statements and help students create their resumes.
During the 20-21 school year, Senior Success became a virtual event. Students logged onto TEAMS where help
was available twice a week.
-FAFSA Completion Data from State of Nebraska - Counselors utilize this to target kids that have not completed
the FAFSA and are eligible. The majority of our students that complete the FAFSA are Pell Grant eligible, South
Counselors also support DACA/Undocumented students by completing the College Funding Estimator.
-Naviance College Application Data - Counselors use this to target seniors that have not applied to college yet
and/or support the students by sending transcripts and other needed requirements.
-Scholarship Data in Naviance - The counseling department can compare year to year to see what is
working,where they can make improvements or where more targeted support needs to occur. For example,
more students get scholarships after the school implemented Senior Symposium.
Parental Involvement
The counseling team has always been an integral part of the parental involvement program. We share
information with parents to provide them with tools to help make informed decisions. Counselors present to
parents on a number of topics and hold workshops to allow for group Q&A sessions. The parent meetings have
been successful in educating parents about college/universities and career options. Parents have also had the
opportunity to tour college campuses.
Job Corp
We have a counselor that works with students that may find it difficult to be successful in a traditonal high
school but still are looking for career options. The counselor meets with parents and students and connects
students with a Job Corp representative so they can tour different Job Corp sites and potentially earn their high
school diploma through Job Corp.
Avenue Scholars
Avenue Scholars is a scholarship program that supports students in attaining a certification or degree in 2 years
or less of college. A teacher provides support and tutoring during the day. Students take classes at
Metropolitan Community College. Sophomores are encouraged to apply in the spring. Juniors and seniors in
the program and receive an $8,000 scholarship.
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Most of our students attend Metropolitan Community College; Automotive is a popular program, our
scholarship will cover cost of all classes as well as extra materials and equipment needed.
Dual Language
The Dual Language program, while not unique to seniors, is unique to Omaha South High as it is the only high
school with such a program. The Dual Language program is unique in that a dual language coordinator and a
bilingual liaison work closely with students to ensure they meet the dual language and graduation
requirements. Dual Language students are eligible to receive the Bilingual Seal of Biliteracy. The Seal prepares
students for opportunities beyond high school. It demonstrates students have received proficiency in two
languages, a skill needed for many jobs/careers. In addition to the SEAL, dual language students have an
opportunity to receive an Interpretation Certificate through Metropolitican Community College. Dual
Language students take AP Spanish Language and/or Spanish Literature which gives them sixteen credits
through UNO. Many of the students that attend UNO decide to minor in Spanish because they already have
half of the credits needed.
Community Partnerships
Omaha South High partners with College Possible, the University of Lincoln, Upward Bound and the OPPD
Legacy Program. The community partners support students in academics, community service and higher
education/career. Students are eligible for scholarships and internships upon completion of the programs.
Supporting Documents:
Avenue Scholars
Benny's Bulletin (senior info)
Supporting Documents
College Possible
Course Catalog (shows Dual Credit, Dual Lang and Career Programs)
Job Corps (email)
Junior/Senior meeting (email)
Legacy Program Information
Newsletter for Parents
Parent & Families Engagement Calendar (shows counseling presentations)
Pictures from Parent Night and College Visits
Parent University Flyer
Senior Information (Benny's bulletin)
Senior Lesson
Senior PLP
Senior Symposium
Parent Program ( partnerships with colleges/universities)
6. Strategies to address areas of need
Please provide a narrative below describing how the Schoolwide Plan increases the amount and quality
of learning time within or beyond the instructional day.
The schoolwide plan increases the amount and quality of learning through interventions within and beyond the
learning day.
Within Learning Day:
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
Gradual Release of Responsibility & Digital Tools: Teachers are regulary coached and trained on GRR/GRI.
Teachers use a variety of online tools to give immediate feedback to students. During the 20-21 school year,
the school purchased Nearpod, GoFormative and SEESAW that not only engage students in remote/blended
settings but also allow teachers to check for understanding and differentiate. The district purchased
GoFormative accounts for all math and world language teachers. In addition, the school purchased 30
accounts for teachers at South High.
Daily Advisement Lessons: Students complete Boys Town lessons or On Track lessons during advisement to
equip them with tools that will help them be successful in school. The Boys Town lessons increase the amount
of quality time because less time is spent on behavior/discipline and more is spent on instruction and peer
Professional development, coaching, and collaboration: Teacher training has an impact on student success.
Equipping teachers with opportunities to learn from each other and share what works/what does not increases
the amount of quality of learning. Coaching conversations give teachers and curriculum specialist and/or
department heads to have conversations regarding instruction, curriculum, and engaging students.
Senior Symposium: Senior symposium gives every senior an opportunity to meet one on one with counselors
during their lunch period. They also have immediate feedback regarding credit checks, scholarship
opportunities and senior academic progress.
Avenue Scholars
Avenue Scholars gives students a choice to choose a 2 year plan of study. A teacher is assigned to work with
the South High cohort. Students receive tutoring, take special classes, and have an opportunity for dual credit.
The teacher tracks student attendance and grades.
1:1 Technology: In the 2020-21 school year, all students received an Ipad. Using 1:1 technology enables
teachers to differentiate, facilitates student collaboration, and streamlines the method of instruction.
Beyond the School Day
Academic and Athletic Tutoring: Tutoring is offered three to four times a week after school. Tutoring is offered
in person and via TEAMS. Tutoring is offered for all core classes and select elective courses.
Senior Success: Senior Success is offered twice weekly, on Wednesdays after school and on Saturday mornings.
Seniors receive help with scholarship and scholarship essays. Students better their writing skills and how to
focus on topics. Counselors and teachers are available to help.
Community Programs:
Upward Bound, College Possible, Legacy Program with OPPD
These both community programs offer tutoring, one on one help with scholarships, college visits, community
service and parental involvement. Upon completion, students are eligible for scholarships or internships.
Supporting Documents
Academic Action Plan
Avenue Scholars Program
College Possible information
Course Guide
Go Formative Contract
Due to NDE by Thursday, April 1
Updated: September 2020
DL/Interpretation Certificate PPT
Ipad Distribution email
Job Corp (email)
Junior/Senior Counselor meetings (email)
MTSS-B Action Plan
Naviance/Clever Portal
Nearpod Contract
Naviance Course Planner
P& F Engagement Calendar
Lesson Plan for Advisement (Portal for Pack on Track)
Senior Success
Senior Success Calendar
Tutoring Information