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La cultura de deseos y necesidades (7th-12th
Haley Hansen
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Unit Cover Page
Unit Title: La cultura de deseos y necesidades
Grade Level: 7-12
Subject/Topic Area(s): Spanish 1
Designed By: Haley Hansen
Time Frame: 12 days
School District: Cypress-Fairbanks ISD
School: Cypress Falls High School
School Address and Phone: 9811 Huffmeister Rd., Houston, TX 77095 (281-856-1000)
Brief Summary of Unit (Including curricular context and unit goals):
This unit is designed for the middle of the school year in a Spanish 1 classroom. The unit
focuses on reviewing previously learned vocabulary including school supplies and
activities while adding the present tense verbs "tengo," "quiero," and "necesito." Students
will be exposed to information about and images of classrooms around the world to show
how wants and needs differ by culture. At the end of the unit, students will have two
Performance-Based Assessments- an interpersonal conversation about what they want to
do and need to do and an integrated writing assessment comparing wants and needs in
their school to other schools in Spanish-Speaking countries.
The title of this disciplinary unit is La cultura de deseos y necesidades, the culture of wants and needs. The
unit was designed to support the national, state, and district standards for teaching a level 1 Spanish class.
Developed using the Understanding by Design (UbD) template created by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, the
unit intends to “make meaning of learning via big ideas to transfer learning” (Wiggins and McTighe 2011).
With an emphasis on long-term achievement gains, the planning process was purposefully circuitouscrafting
desired results and assessments prior to creating individual lesson plans and then circling back up to ensure
that the content addressed is aligned with the desired results in addition to the assessment standards.
The Spanish vocabulary and grammar included in this unit are modified from the Cypress-Fairbanks ISD scope
and sequence. Vocabulary and grammar lessons do not typically draw students in. For this reason, I have
added a cultural component comparing and expressing wants and needs to serve as the heart of the unit.
Because one of the main focuses of a World Language class is being able to effectively communicate in the
target language, my classroom is structured so that students are almost always working in cooperative
learning groups, either heterogeneously or homogeneously mixed depending on the activity. To effectively
facilitate deeper meaning and long-lasting learning, I employ a variety of research-based strategies from ACTFL
and The Strategic Teacher by Harvey F. Silver, Richard W. Strong, and Matthew J. Perini. Some of the more
prominent strategies in this unit are Inductive Sorting, Compare and Contrast, Story like a Rockstar, Teams,
Games, Tournaments, the use of Authentic Resources, Window Notes, Real(ish) Scenarios, and Performance-
Based Assessments.
Staying true to the UbD process, the learning does not stop with these final assessments. The desired results
are much broader and more long-term. At the end of 12 days, students will not only be able to say what
school supplies they want, need, and have, and what activities they want to do, need to do, and have to do,
but they will also continue on their journey of becoming more proficient in the target language and develop a
sense of respect and understanding of other cultures and their wants and needs. They will understand that
having more doesn’t equate to superiority and that the way in which they ask for something can impact the
response. And it is with these transfer goals that our students are able to reach Robert Marzano’s fifth
dimension of learning, Habits of Mind, characterized by critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and self-
regulated thinking. (Marzano 1997). They are able to extend what they have learned throughout the unit and
authentically apply it to their everyday lives outside of the Spanish 1 classroom.
Works Cited
Unit Title
La cultura de deseos y
Spanish 1 (7-12
Designed by
Haley Hansen
12 days
Marzano, Robert J., Debra Pickering, and Daisy E. Arredondo. Dimensions of Learning Teacher's Manual.
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1997. Print.
Silver, Harvey F., Richard W. Strong, and Matthew J. Perini. The Strategic Teacher: Selecting the Right
Research-based Strategy for Every Lesson. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson, 2009. Print.
Wiggins, Grant P., and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, 2005. Print.
Stage 1 Desired Results
1.A Engage in oral and written
exchanges of learned material
to socialize and to provide and
obtain information
1.C Present information using
familiar words, phrases, and
sentences to listeners and
3.A Use resources in the
language and culture being
studied to gain access to
4.A Demonstrate an
understanding of the nature of
the language through
comparisons of the student’s
own culture and the cultures
4.B Demonstrate an
understanding of the concept
of culture through
comparisons of the student’s
own culture and the cultures
Students will be able to independently use their learning to....
Develop a sense of respect and understanding of other cultures’
wants and needs, and what they already have.
Effectively communicate their wants and needs
Students will understand that….
1) Wants and needs differ across culture and can
manifest from differences in socio-economic.
2) Having more does not equate to superiority.
3) There are no words for “Do you” in Spanish.
You form this question by putting the verb in the
“Tú” form.
Essential Questions
Students will keep
1) How can I
communicate my wants
and needs so that they
are heard and
2) Why is listening and
responding to others’
wants and needs
important for me to do?
Students will know…
1) That when speaking in the “Yo” form, verbs
will end in the letter “-o”.
2) School Supply vocabulary (Review)
Un borrador
Un cuaderno
Un lápiz
Un libro
Unas tijeras
Un marcador
Una calculadora
Una carpeta
Una hoja de papel
Students will be able
1) Express what they
want and need (to do)
in terms of school
supplies and activities
through speaking and
2) Ask others what they
want and need.
3) Compare their wants
Un sacapuntas
Una mochila
Una pluma
Un bolígrafo
Un mapa
Un pupitre
Un escritorio
Una mesa
Una silla
3) Activity Vocabulary (Review)
Limpiar la casa
Hacer la tarea
Ver la tele
Ver una película
Usar el Internet
Jugar videojuegos
Hablar por teléfono
Jugar con el teléfono
Mandar textos
Escuchar música
Ir de compras
Jugar deportes
Hacer ejercicios
4) Vocabulary for expressing wants, needs, and
¿Tienes que?
Tengo que
and needs with other
countries’ wants and
Stage 2 Evidence
(M or T)
(for rubric)
Using Rubric from
Performance Task(s)
Students will demonstrate meaning-making and transfer by…
M, T
Interpersonal PBA: Planning out your weekend.
With a partner, students will ask and answer questions
about what they want to do that weekend, have to do
that weekend, and need to do that weekend.
Integrated Writing PBA- Comparing Schools
Students will hear an audio recording about different
schools and what materials they have, want, and need.
Students will then write a response back detailing what
they want, need, and have in their school.
Other Evidence (e.g., formative)
Teacher Checks for Understanding
Written work in journals
Audio practices
Speaking practices
Whiteboard practices
Games such as Pictionary, Pesca, and El juego de
Stage 3 Learning Plan
(A, M, T)
See Pre-Assessment in Supplemental Materials. The Pre-Assessment is divided into 3 sections:
Listening, Interpretive Reading, and grammar structures in writing.
Learning Activities
Student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends upon...
Agenda Day 1: (PPT Slides 1-14)
Objective: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
Check-in: Goals and Celebrations
Introduce Objectives
Introduce Essential Questions
Introduce New Vocabulary (Quiero, Tengo (que), Necesito, etc.)
Journal Exit-Ticket
Agenda Day 2: (PPT Slides 15-29)
Objective: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and
needs important for me to do?
Progress Monitoring
(e.g., formative
*See checks for
understanding in
lesson plans*
A, M, T
A, M
A, M, T
Quick verbal review
Whiteboard practice
Yo tengo…Yo necesito… Activity
Cultural Gallery Walk
Window Notes
Agenda Day 3: (PPT Slides 30-41)
Objective: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
Listening Activity
Pictionary Vocabulary Review
Agenda Day 4: (PPT Slides 42-47)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and
need important for me to do?
Pelota de preguntas
Yo tengo…Yo necesito… Activity
Inductive Sorting
Write a paragraph (comparison)
Agenda Day 5: (PPT Slides 48-54)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Game of questions
Speaking Scenarios Practice
A letter from Maribel
Agenda Day 6 (PPT Slides 55-59)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Video warm up
Yo tengo…Yo necesito
TGT Study guide
Agenda Day 7 (PPT Slides 60-66)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
Tengo tu love song
Teams, Games, Tournaments
Agenda Day 8 (PPT Slides 67-76)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Whiteboard practice
Window Notes
Listening Activity
Pelota de preguntas
Inductive Sorting
Game of Q’s
Speaking Practice
Video warm up
Study Guide
A, M, T
M, T
A, M, T
M, T
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and
need important for me to do?
Listening Activity
Speaking practice (Role play)
Exit Ticket
Agenda Day 9 (PPT Slides 77-81)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Rank activities by importance
Information Gap
M&M sentences
Agenda Day 10 (PPT Slides 82-83)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: How can I communicate my wants and needs so that
they are heard and respected?
Pass out interpersonal speaking prompts
Interpersonal Speaking Assessment
Anchor task- Info graphic with emphasis on EQ: How can I
communicate my wants and needs so that they are heard and
Agenda Day 11 (PPT Slides 84-99)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: How can I communicate my wants and needs so that
they are heard and respected?
Listening Activity
Cultural compare and contrast strategy
Mandala coloring
Agenda Day 12 (PPT Slides 100-103)
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and
need important for me to do?
Integrated PBA
Close out unit
Listening Activity
Speaking Practice
Exit Ticket
M&M sentences
Listening Activity
See Lesson Plans below.
Lesson Plans Day 1:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
Objective(s) for student learning:
I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
Assessment evidence:
Journal Exit-Ticket
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Check-in: Goals and Celebrations
Introduce Objectives
Introduce Essential Questions
Introduce New Vocabulary (Quiero, Tengo (que), Necesito, etc.)
Journal Exit-Ticket
1. Check-in: Goals and celebrations
As students walk in the classroom they need to grab a slip of paper. Explain to them that this is a brand new
unit and a fresh start. Even though we are moving forward, we don’t want to forget or ignore our many
successes and talents. On one side of the paper, students will write something they are really good at (this
could be school related or not). After giving students time to think and write, let them share their talents with
a partner. After everyone has had time to share with I partner, students have the opportunity to share with
the class. On the other side of the paper, students will write one specific goal they have for Spanish class for
the new grading period. Repeat the sharing process.
Once completed, we will make a chain to hang in our classroom.
*Teacher will walk around to monitor students while they are working and provide positive feedback when
they share their talents and goals.
Instructional model/strategy(s): Reviewing Objectives, Pre-Assessment, Story like a Rockstar, Guided Practice
2. Introduce Objectives
Using PowerPoint, I will review the unit’s Objectives so that the students know where we are headed and
what they will be able to achieve by the end of this unit.
I can describe what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can compare what I want, have, and need with what others want, have, and need.
In pairs, students will discuss what vocab or other skills they may need to accomplish each objective. They will
then share out by raising their hands.
*Teacher will call on students to share their thoughts with the class. Each pair of students gets called on at
least once.
3. Introduce Essential Questions
Using PowerPoint, I will review the essential questions for the Unit to pique interest. Why is learning about
other cultures and celebrations valuable for me?
How can I communicate my wants and needs so that they are heard and respected?
Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and needs important for me to do?
Students will turn to their partner and start brainstorming any initial thoughts they have in regards to these
*Teacher will call on students to share out their thoughts
4. Pre-Assessment
Students will take a pre-assessment to demonstrate what they already know and what they still need to learn.
It is important to remind them that a pre-assessment is not for a grade, but they should still try their best.
5. Introduce New Vocabulary using Story Like a Rockstar strategy
Using a PowerPoint Presentation with the new vocabulary and pictures, I will describe and show each of the
following vocab words in addition to asking at least 3 follow up questions for each new word (check for
understanding). Students will copy down the new vocabulary in their journals.
Instrucciones: Voy a presentar en español. No quiero oír nada en ingles pero ustedes pueden escribir que
significa la palabra en inglés. Vamos a repasar cuando terminamos.
¿Tienes que?
Tengo que
On a PowerPoint slide, the vocabulary list will be displayed. Teacher will read each word individually and
students will repeat for pronunciation. Each vocab word has its own page and corresponding picture. The
teacher will call on students to ask them follow-up questions to help them interact with the new target
vocabulary. For example: “¿Tienes una mochila? ¿Quieres jugar deportes?” Student will respond with “Sí” or
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Walking around answering questions and affirming answers during the check-in
*Having students share out what they need to learn still in the objectives and share initial thoughts on
essential questions
*During Vocab Presentation: asking at least 3 follow up questions for each new word (check for
*In closure, having students share out that they know the colors in Spanish by answering spontaneous
Lesson closure:
Journal Exit-Ticket using guided practice
In their journals students will write a mini-conversation individually. They will ask three questions and answer
three questions using the new vocabulary.
1. Do you want to ____________?
I want to ___________.
2. Do you need ______________?
I need ___________.
3. Do you have to _____________?
I have to __________.
Mastery: Repetition of vocabulary and immediate practice with it
Understanding: Reviewing objectives and essential questions= Big Picture
Interpersonal: Discussing objectives and essential questions together in pairs
Self-Expressive: Students get to choose how they complete the mini-conversation.
Verbal/Linguistic: The vocabulary is presented all in Spanish and students are writing and responding verbally,
writing down strengths and goals, listening to objectives and essential questions
Interpersonal: Discussing objectives together in pairs
Intrapersonal: reflecting on what they need to know to accomplish objectives
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Slips of paper
Student Journals
Pre-Assessment copies
Lesson Plans Day 2:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 3.A Use resources in the language and culture being studied to gain access to information
TEKS 4.B Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the student’s own
culture and the cultures studied
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objective: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and needs important for me to do?
Assessment evidence:
Window Notes
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Quick verbal review
Whiteboard practice
Yo tengo…Yo necesito… Activity
Cultural Gallery Walk
Window Notes
1. Quick verbal review
Turn to your partner and tell them how to say...
“I have” while giving a high five
“I need” while giving a low five
“I want” while giving a fist bump
“I have to” while giving a handshake
*Teacher will walk around to monitor students to make sure the remember the vocabulary
Instructional model/strategy(s): Review, Speaking practice, Gallery Walk, Window Notes
2. Whiteboard Review
Using PowerPoint, the teacher will project questions using the target vocabulary and students (with a partner)
will have to respond in complete sentences on their whiteboards using the target vocabulary.
*Teacher will check each student’s answer and provide feedback (both affirmative and corrections).
3. Yo tengo...Yo necesito...Activity
Each student will receive a piece of paper with a picture and a sentence. The teacher will start by saying she
needs something. Using the picture on their paper, the student will read Yo tengo _______. Yo necesito
_______. The student that has a matching picture will then read his/her sentence.
4. Cultural Gallery Walk
Teacher will have pictures of different classrooms from across the world displayed on the walls. Students will
have a worksheet with a description of each classroom. Students will walk around the classroom to look at
each photo. They will have to write the name of the county that best matches the description on their paper.
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Walking around and making sure students know vocabulary during the check in
*Providing verbal feedback with each whiteboard response
*Monitor student understanding while they complete the gallery walk and answering any questions that arise
Lesson closure:
Window Notes
There are four different questions- one for mastery learners, one for interpersonal learners, one for
understanding learners, and one for self-expressive learners. Students will answer at least 3 of the boxes to
show what they learned and prove deeper understanding.
Mastery: Repetition of vocabulary and immediate practice with it, Gallery Walk Outline, Window Notes
Understanding: Gallery Walk, Window Notes
Interpersonal: Students work in pairs for the quick review and whiteboard review, students are speaking with
one another and working together in the yo tengo...yo necesito... activity, Window Notes
Self-Expressive: Window Notes
Verbal-linguistic: Students are talking with one another in the yo tengo...yo necesito... activity, students are
reading descriptions of schools
Intrapersonal: Students are evaluating which school they would most want to attend in Window Notes
Interpersonal: Students are working together in Yo tengo...yo necesito activity, students are seeing different
classrooms and making comparisons
Visual-spatial: Window Notes
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Whiteboards, Dry Erase markers, erasers
Slips of paper for Yo tengo...Yo necesito...
Gallery Walk Photos
Gallery Walk Graphic Organizer
Window Notes copies
Lesson Plans Day 3:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objective: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
Assessment evidence:
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Actividad auditiva
Piccionario (Un repaso)
1. Mini-lesson
In their journals, students will fill in the missing questions as indicated on the PowerPoint slide.
After students have completed the questions, the teacher will explain that there is no Spanish word for “Do
you...” To say, “Do you” in Spanish, you just put the upside down question mark in front of the verb in the
“Tú” form.
*Teacher will walk around and check students’ answers.
Instructional model/strategy(s): Interview, Listening Activity, Pictionary
2. Interview
Students will work with a partner. Each student will have his or her own worksheet. In Part A, students will
answer the questions about themselves. In part B, students will ask their partners the same questions and
record their answers. In part C, students will create and answer their own questions.
*Teacher will walk around to monitor students’ answers and make sure students are staying in the target
3. Actividad auditiva
Give each student a set of the cut out cards on slide 36. They will also need one copy of slide 37. As students
listen to the teacher read the following paragraph aloud, they should move the pictures of the school supplies
into the appropriate section, based on what they want/need/have. Not all pieces will be used in every round.
There are 3 rounds of listening each one gets progressively more difficult. Check the students’ answers after
each round.
Teacher script:
Round 1: Necesitas un borrador y un mapa. Tienes papel en un cuaderno. Quieres plumas.
Round 2: Tienes muchos marcadores y lápices en la clase. Necesitas una calculadora de tu casa en tu mochila.
También necesitas un libro. Quieres una carpeta, tijeras y un sacapuntas.
Round 3: Para esta clase, necesitas un cuaderno, lápices, un borrador y carpetas. Tienes un libro especial.
Quieres un sacapuntas, un bolígrafo, papel y marcadores.
*Checking students’ groupings in the listening activity
4. Piccionario
Students will review school supplies and activity vocabulary in teams of 4. Teacher will whisper a vocabulary
word to the volunteer. Using the SmartBoard at the front of the room, the volunteer will draw that
vocabulary word. The students still sitting at the groups will have a mini whiteboard and marker. The first
group to correctly write the vocab word gets a point. Teams can also get a point for volunteering to draw the
vocab word.
*Teacher will provide verbal feedback with each whiteboard response in Pictionary
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Walking around and monitoring students’ answers during the mini-lesson
*Teacher will walk around to monitor students’ answers and make sure students are staying in the target
*Checking students’ groupings in the listening activity
*Providing verbal feedback with each whiteboard response in Pictionary
*Check students’ sentences in lesson closure
Lesson closure:
Before putting away their whiteboards from Pictionary, the students will have to create a sentence using
tengo, necesito, and quiero.
Mastery: Repetition of sentence structure with mini-lesson, multiple rounds of listening activity
Interpersonal: Interview, teams for Pictionary
Self-Expressive: Pictionary drawings, creating questions in interview
Verbal/Linguistic: Interview, Listening practice
Interpersonal: Interview, Teams in Pictionary
Intrapersonal: Answering what they want, need, and have in part 1 of the interview
Visual-spatial: Pictionary
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Student Journals
Interview copies
Listening activity chart and pictures
Whiteboards, Dry Erase markers, erasers
Lesson Plans Day 4:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 1.C Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and need important for me to do?
Assessment evidence:
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Pelota de preguntas
Yo tengo…Yo necesito… Activity
Inductive Sorting
Write a paragraph (comparison)
1. Pelota de preguntas
I do this activity several times during a unit of study. It helps students recall information we have been
learning all year long.
The teacher will display a PowerPoint slide with all of the questions we have learned up until this point in
Spanish. The teacher chooses a student (this can be done randomly or can be differentiated for readiness as
some questions are easier than others) and throws a ball to that student and asks a question. The student
responds in Spanish and throws the ball back to the teacher.
*Teacher will give verbal feedback for each response.
Instructional model/strategy(s): Yo tengo...Yo necesito, Inductive Sorting, Writing practice
2. Yo tengo...yo necesito
Each student will receive a piece of paper with a picture and a sentence. For example: Tengo un marcador,
necesito tijeras (with pictures of the school supplies). The teacher will start by saying she needs something.
Using their paper, the student with that object will respond and then say what he or she needs. This process
will continue until all students have read what they have and what they need.
I like to time them so that they have a record to beat and something to work towards.
*Teacher will walk around and monitor students’ participation and responses.
3. Inductive Sorting
Each student will receive the group titles “Tengo,” “Necesito,” and “Quiero.” They will also receive slips of
paper that have the activity vocabulary terms. They will sort the activities based on what they have to do,
want to do, and need to do. It is important to point out that there is not a right or wrong answer.
After sorting the activities, they will fill out a circle compare and contrast chart to see similarities and
differences between their life and their partner’s life.
4. Paragraph
After comparing their groups with their partner’s groups in the compare and contrast chart, students will write
a paragraph stating these similarities and differences. This is the opportunity to teach the He/She form of the
verbs and the Nosotros form of the verbs.
*Teacher will walk around and answer questions/make corrections as necessary.
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Teacher will give verbal feedback for each response.
*Teacher will walk around and monitor students’ participation and responses.
*Teacher will walk around and answer questions/make corrections as necessary.
Lesson closure:
Students will reflect on the essential question “Why is it important to listen and respond to others needs and
wants?” and “Does having different needs and wants make you better than someone else?”
Mastery: Review and practice with pelota de preguntas
Interpersonal: Yo tengo...Yo necesito..., Comparing wants and needs with a partner
Understanding: Reflecting on essential questions,
Self-Expressive: inductive sorting
Verbal/Linguistic: Pelota de preguntas
Interpersonal: comparison and reflection questions
Intrapersonal: Sorting based on their needs and wants
Visual-spatial: Inductive sorting
Logical-mathematical: Compare and contrast chart
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Inductive Sorting Slips
Compare and contrast charts
Paper for paragraph and reflection
Lesson Plans Day 5:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 1.C Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Assessment evidence:
A letter from Maribel
Human Bingo
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Game of questions
Speaking Scenarios Practice
A letter from Maribel
1. Mini-Lesson
Using a PowerPoint slide, students will answer 4 questions using the target vocabulary in their journals. This is
a great time to reinforce that when a question is asked in the tú form, you respond in the “yo” form and
regular “yo” verbs always end in “o.” After students have had time to write their responses, the teacher will
call on students to share their answers with the class.
*Teacher will check students’ responses as they finish and call on students to share with the class.
Instructional model/strategy(s): Juego de preguntas, Práctica de hablar, Interpretive Reading
2. Juego de preguntas
On a sheet of notebook paper, students will write down as many questions as they can in Spanish. These can
be questions that they learned earlier in the year up until this point. I normally give them 3-5 minutes. When
time is up, students switch papers and make sure that all of the questions their classmate wrote are
grammatically correct. For each correctly written sentence, students will receive a point. The student with
the most points can win a prize of your choosing.
*Teacher will walk around and monitor students’ participation and responses.
3. Speaking Practice
Using a PowerPoint slide, students will be given two different interpersonal speaking prompts. One of the
prompts is about school supplies and the other is about making plans. Students cannot write down what they
want to say. They will have one minute to read the prompt and then silently think about what they want to
say. With a partner students will take turns asking and answering questions for 2 minutes. After each scenario,
ask the students “Raise your hand if you were able to talk for the full 2 minutes. If you are not raising your
hand, what do you still need to study? For everyone in the class, what is one thing you could do better next
*Teacher will walk around and monitor students’ participation and ask reflection questions.
4. Interpretive Reading: Una carta de Maribel
As a class, take turns reading the letter together, stopping at any words the students are confused with.
Afterwards, students will individually answer the questions and write a response.
*Teacher will read the letter aloud with students and answer any questions that arise.
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Teacher will check students’ responses as they finish and call on students to share with the class.
*Teacher will walk around and monitor students’ participation and ask reflection questions.
*Teacher will read the letter aloud with students and answer any questions that arise.
*Teacher will walk around and make sure students are staying in the target language.
Lesson closure:
Students will receive a “BINGO” board with questions written in Spanish using the target vocabulary. They will
walk around and ask their classmates the questions provided. If the question applies to that student, they
write down that person’s name. They need 12 different names written down as their Exit-Ticket.
*Teacher will walk around and make sure students are staying in the target language.
Mastery: Mini-Lesson review, Juego de preguntas
Interpersonal: Speaking Practice, Human BINGO
Verbal/Linguistic: Mini-Lesson, Juego de preguntas, Speaking practice, Interpretive Reading, Human BINGO
Interpersonal: Speaking Practice, Human BINGO
Intrapersonal: Writing the response back to Maribel
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Notebook Paper
Letter copies
BINGO boards
Lesson Plans Day 6:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 3.A Use resources in the language and culture being studied to gain access to information
TEKS 4.B Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the student’s own
culture and the cultures studied
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Assessment evidence:
No formal evidence today
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Audio warm up
Yo tengo…Yo necesito
TGT Study guide
1. Authentic Audio
Students will watch an interview with young students in Panama. In their journals, they will write down what
they understood. Students will share with the class what they understood and we will talk about cultural
differences we observed.
*Teacher will walk around and monitor that students are paying attention. Teacher will have discussion with
students about the video.
Instructional model/strategy(s): Yo tengo...Yo necesito..., TGT Study Guide, Go Fish
2. Yo tengo... Yo necesito
Each student will receive a piece of paper with a picture and a sentence. For example: Tengo un marcador,
necesito tijeras (with pictures of the school supplies).The teacher will start by saying she needs something.
Using their paper, the student with that object will respond and then say what he or she needs. This process
will continue until all students have read what they have and what they need.
I like to time them so that they have a record to beat and something to work towards.
*Teacher will provide pronunciation feedback as necessary
3. TGT Day 1: Study Guide
Instrucciones: Mañana vamos a jugar Teams, Games, Tournaments
Hay que completar la guía de estudiar
Las preguntas son las mismas que vamos a usar en el juego
*Teacher will walk around and answer questions/give feedback to students as needed
4. Pesca
In groups of 4, students will play Go Fish. Print the slides titled “PESCA.” Students will each receive 7 cards to
start off with. A pair is a question and its corresponding answer. The students will speak only in the target
*Teacher will walk around and make sure that students are speaking in the target language.
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Teacher will walk around and monitor that students are paying attention. Teacher will have discussion with
students about the video.
*Teacher will provide pronunciation feedback as necessary
*Teacher will walk around and make sure that students are speaking in the target language.
Lesson closure:
Quick Question
Teacher will ask each student a question from the deck of cards. For example: What question was asked if I say
“Sí, tengo que cocinar.” Or How would you respond to “¿Quieres jugar deportes?”
*Teacher will call on students and give feedback to their responses.
Mastery: TGT Study Guide, Yo tengo... Yo necesito..., Pesca
Interpersonal: Yo tengo,... Yo necesito..., Pesca
Understanding: Video and reflection
Verbal/Linguistic: Video, yo tengo...yo necesito..., Pesca
Interpersonal: Yo tengo,... Yo necesito..., Pesca
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
YouTube Video
TGT Study Guides
Go Fish Cards
Lesson Plans Day 7:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 1.C Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers.
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Assessment Evidence:
No formal assessment today
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Canción “Tengo tu love”
Teams, Games, Tournaments
Students will watcha music video called “Tengo tu love” by Sie7e
In their journals, they will count all the times they hear the word tengo.
The correct answer is 34.
Instructional model/strategy(s): (list name here and write out process/steps below)
1. Prepare short-answer objective questions and answer sheets for the tournament (a study sheet handed out
Day 5)
2. Assign students to study teams of 3-4 students (balance teams- Teams based off Pre-Assessment)
a. Before class, we will assign each student a letter. We will pass out a letter card to each student so
that he or she can find the pre-determined group. From there, they will create a team name but it
must be in Spanish.
3. Allow study teams time to review content and prepare for the tournament together
a. 10 minutes of review time
4. Assign one member from each study team to participate against other members from other study teams as
part of a competition group. (should be academically balanced)
a. Decide who feels the most confident about the study guide (students decide)
b. Who feels the 2nd most confident?
c. The third most confident?
d. The fourth most confident?
5. Explain tournament rules
a. Using PowerPoint slides
b. Model using one group. The different roles will be color coordinated with the role’s rules.
Yellow=the player, Blue=the Verifier, Orange=the Challenger, White= the Observer
6. Play TGT
a. Monitor groups (especially groups 1- highly competitive and 4- students who aren’t as confident)
7. Collect game scores and validate results. Allow students to discuss and reflect on the process.
8. Post Results
a. Make a PowerPoint slide showing the results
Checking for understanding and feedback:
(How will you check for understanding and provide feedback to learners write that out here as well as in
process steps above)
Walk around and monitor groups- especially groups 1 (high confidence) and groups 4 (low confidence)
Lesson closure:
On your scorecards reflect on the process of playing TGT: What is one strength you brought to your
group? What do you still need help with or to study more?
(Identify the learner preferences such as MI and LS as well as any differentiation for readiness and interest)
Mastery: students are given a study guide and are given the opportunity to “master” the target vocabulary
Interpersonal: students are working together in teams
Verbal/Linguistic: Students are writing and speaking in Spanish during TGT
Interpersonal: Students are working together in teams
Intrapersonal: TGT Reflection
Differentiation of process by readiness: Students are placed with other students who are at a similar level
Materials and resources:
(Student and teacher materials, including technology, material resources, human resources, or community
PowerPoint Presentation
YouTube Song
TGT role cards, number cards, and score cards
Lesson Plans Day 8:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 1.C Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers.
TEKS 3.A Use resources in the language and culture being studied to gain access to information
TEKS 4.B Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the student’s own
culture and the cultures studied
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and need important for me to do?
Assessment evidence:
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Actividad auditiva
Actividad oral
Exit Ticket
1. Check-in
The teacher will call on each student in the class to share something they are grateful for (something they
have). If other students are also grateful for the same thing, they will stand.
*Teacher will facilitate the check-in and provide feedback/discussion
Instructional model/strategy(s): Listening practice, Speaking practice
2. Listening Practice
Give each student a set of the cut out cards on slide 71. They will also need one copy of slide 72. As students
listen to the teacher read the following paragraph aloud, they should move the pictures of the activities into
the appropriate section, based on what they want to do/need to do/have. You do Not use all pieces will be
used in every round. There are 3 rounds of listening each one gets progressively more difficult. Check the
students’ answers after each round.
Teacher script:
Round 1: Necesitas hacer ejercicio y limpiar la casa. Tienes que comer y cocinar. Quieres jugar deportes.
Round 2: Tienes que mandar textos y ver la tele. Necesitas hacer la tarea y correr. También necesitas escuchar
música. Quieres dormir, jugar videojuegos y leer.
Round 3: Hoy necesitas jugar videojuegos. Quieres comer y escuchar música. También quieres cocinar. Tienes
que jugar deportes. Necesitas limpiar la casa. Tienes que dormir, hacer ejercicio y leer.
*Checking students’ groupings in the listening activity
3. Speaking Practice
Cut out the speaking scenario for each country. Students will be sitting in pairs. All students will receive a chart
with boxes to fill in. One student in each pair will receive a speaking scenario. In Spanish, they will share the
information (except for the interesting factsthose can be in English). Their partner will write down the
information they understood in English. After students have completed this round, they will pass their
scenario cards around. The student who did not speak last round will now be the speaker. This process repeats
until the entire chart has been completed.
*Teacher will walk around and make sure that students are speaking in the target language.
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Teacher will facilitate the check-in and provide feedback/discussion
*Checking students’ groupings in the listening activity
*Teacher will walk around and make sure that students are speaking in the target language.
Lesson closure:
Reflection question at the bottom on the chart. Students will again reflect on the EQ: Why is listening and
responding to others’ wants and needs important for me to do?
*Teacher will call on students and give feedback to their responses.
Mastery: Listening Practice
Interpersonal: Listening Practice, Speaking Scenario
Understanding: Speaking Scenario and Reflection
Verbal/Linguistic: Listening Activity, Speaking Practice
Interpersonal: Listening Activity, Speaking Practice, Reflection
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Listening Charts and pictures of activities
Speaking Scenarios
Lesson Plans Day 9:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 1.C Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers.
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and need important for me to do?
Assessment evidence:
Activity Ranking
Information Gap
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Rank activities by importance
Information Gap
M&M sentences
1. Activity Ranking
Students will receive a sheet with the activity vocab listed. They will rank those activities in order of
importance with #1 being the most important. Afterwards, they will answer reflection questions
What activity is most important to you and why?
What activity is least important for you and why?
Why do you think your list would be different from a student’s list in Guatemala?
What are some activities that you value not included in the list above (at least 3)? How do you say these in
*Teacher will walk around and monitor student work
Instructional model/strategy(s): Listening practice, Speaking practice
2. Information Gap
Students will be in pairs. Each pair will receive the Information Gap worksheet (One for partner A and one for
partner B). Students will take turns asking their partner questions in Spanish to fill in the columns for want,
need, and have for each class.
*Teacher will walk around and make sure that students are speaking in the target language.
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Teacher will walk around and monitor student work
*Teacher will walk around and make sure that students are speaking in the target language.
Lesson closure:
M&M sentences: Students will sit in groups of 4. Each group will receive a bowl of M&Ms. They will take turns
drawing M&Ms with their eyes closed. They will then answer the corresponding question on the PowerPoint
presentation for that color.
*Teacher walk around and monitor/provide feedback.
Mastery: M&M Sentences
Interpersonal: Information Gap, M&M sentences
Understanding: Activity Ranking, M&M sentences
Self-Expressive: Activity Ranking, M&M sentences
Verbal/Linguistic: Information Gap, M&M sentences
Interpersonal: Information Gap, M&M sentences
Intrapersonal: Activity Ranking, M&M sentences
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Activity Ranking Worksheet
Information Gap Worksheet
Lesson Plans Day 10:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 1.C Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers.
TEKS 3.A Use resources in the language and culture being studied to gain access to information
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: How can I communicate my wants and needs so that they are heard and respected?
Assessment evidence:
Interpersonal Speaking
Info graphic
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Interpersonal Speaking Assessment
Anchor task- Info graphic with emphasis on EQ: How can I communicate my wants and needs so that
they are heard and respected?
Review the rubric with students so that they know what is expected and how they will be assessed.
Instructional model/strategy(s): Interpersonal Performance-Based Assessment, Interpretive Reading
1. Students will be sitting in pairs. While they are waiting for their speaking assessment, they will read an info
graphic and answer questions to demonstrate an understanding of what they read.
The teacher will walk around and pass out the prompt to a pair of students. They will have 2 minutes to
prepare (NO writing anything down). After their 2 minutes is up, they will pass the prompt back to the next
group to start preparing. They will present to the teacher. This process will continue until all students have
presented to the teacher.
*Give immediate feedback to each group that presents- both positive and things to work on for next time.
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Give immediate feedback to each group that presents- both positive and things to work on for next time.
Lesson closure:
Teacher will call on students to share the story they wrote about in their info graphic worksheet. “Share about
a time when you wanted something and you didn’t’ get it.
*Teacher will listen and give commentary to each story.
Mastery: Info graphic
Interpersonal: Interpersonal Speaking
Understanding: Interpersonal Speaking, Info graphic
Self-Expressive: Info graphic
Verbal/Linguistic: Interpersonal Speaking, Info graphic
Interpersonal: Interpersonal Speaking
Intrapersonal: Info graphic
Visual-Spatial: Info graphic
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Info Graphic
Info Graphic Worksheet
Interpersonal Speaking prompts
Lesson Plans Day 11:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 1.C Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers.
TEKS 3.A Use resources in the language and culture being studied to gain access to information
TEKS 4.A Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the language through comparisons of the student’s
own culture and the cultures studied
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: How can I communicate my wants and needs so that they are heard and respected?
Assessment evidence:
Compare and Contrast Chart
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Actividad auditiva
Compare and contrast Strategy
Mandala coloring
1. Project slide # 85. In their journals, students will write down the numbers with missing information.
Play the audio (also located on this slide). They will write down what they understand. You may need
to play the audio twice. After students have completed the work individually, check the answers as a
class by calling on students to share what they understood. This is a good time to reinforce that when a
question is asked in the tú form, you respond in the yo form and yo verbs end in “o.”
*Call on students to share what they understood and check answers together.
Instructional model/strategy(s): Compare and Contrast Strategy
2. Compare and Contrast- Asking for something you want/need
Using PowerPoint slides 86-99, I will project 2 different scenarios. Students will have to record their
observations in a graphic organizer. After reading through both scenarios, we will discuss similarities,
differences, and potential outcomes.
1. Introduce the process of comparison by comparing and contrasting every day, familiar itemsApple and
an Orange
2. Choose two separate objects/concepts/readings for comparisonSpeaking scenarios asking for
3. Establish the purpose for comparison by asking, “Why are we conducting a comparison?”Return to
Essential Questions and Transfer Goals
4. Provide students with criteria for analyzingGraphic Organizer
5. Have students use the criteria to describe each item separately
6. Show students how to use a comparison organizer
7. Lead a discussion using synthesis questionsWho do you think was a more effective communicator?
Why? (Turn to a partner and share)
What were any similarities you noticed? Differences? (Students will raise their hands to share out)
Checking for understanding and feedback:
*Call on students to share what they understood and check answers together.
*Class discussion about effective communication
Lesson closure:
Students will receive a Mandala picture to color based on what they want, need, and have. This will serve as a
brainstorming activity to help them for their integrated writing assessment tomorrow.
Mastery: Audio practice
Understanding: Compare and contrast
Self-Expressive: Mandala coloring
Verbal/Linguistic: Audio Practice
Intrapersonal: Reflection question on Compare and contrast chart, Mandala coloring
Logical-Mathematical: Compare and contrast chart
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Compare and contrast chart
Mandala worksheet
Markers/colored pencils
Lesson Plans Day 12:
Standards addressed:
TEKS 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
TEKS 1.C Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers.
TEKS 3.A Use resources in the language and culture being studied to gain access to information
TEKS 4.B Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the student’s own
culture and the cultures studied
Objective(s) for student learning:
Objectives: I can talk about what I want, need, already have, and have to do.
I can ask others about what they want, need, already have, and have to do.
Pregunta esencial: Why is listening and responding to others’ wants and need important for me to do?
Assessment evidence:
Integrated Writing Performance-Based Assessment
Opening the lesson/introduction:
Review the agenda for today.
Integrated Writing PBA
Close out the unit
1. Students will be given time to review their notes for about 5 minutes.
Instructional model/strategy(s): Performance-Based Assessment
2. Students will need a copy of the Integrated Writing PBA. Teacher will need a copy of the audio (you will
have to make this yourself). Play the audio for the students twice. They will write down what they understood.
They will then write their own response back IN SPANISH.
Lesson closure:
Close out this Unit by reviewing the objectives and essential questions. For each objective, have students
share a sample sentence proving they can do that skill. For each essential question, have a class discussion
about what we have learned and how we can use what we have learned in our everyday lives.
Mastery: PBA
Interpersonal: Closing out the unit
Understanding: PBA
Self-Expressive: PBA
Verbal/Linguistic: PBA, Closing out the unit
Interpersonal: Closing out the unit
Intrapersonal: PBA, Closing out the unit
Materials and resources:
PowerPoint Presentation
Integrated Writing PBA