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Spanish Scheme of Work
& Lesson Plan Examples
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Contents ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
PPA Cover Ltd Scheme of Work & Lesson Planning Overview ..................................................................................................... 3
Planning for the delivery of Spanish within a new school ........................................................................................................ 4
How Our Planning Works ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Deep Dive Compliant Scheme of Work .................................................................................................................................... 5
What To Expect From A PPA Cover Ltd Spanish Teacher ......................................................................................................... 5
Spanish Throughout All Year Groups (with prior learning) .......................................................................................................... 6
Spanish Key Stage 2 Only (with prior learning) ............................................................................................................................ 8
Spanish Key Stage 2 Only (without prior learning) ...................................................................................................................... 9
Overview of Lower Key Stage 2 - Unit 6 Time (hora) ................................................................................................................. 10
Medium Term Plan Example Lower Key Stage 2 (unit 6) ........................................................................................................ 11
Overview of Upper Key Stage 2 - Unit 19 Let’s Visit A Spanish Town (Visitemos una ciudad española) .................................... 12
Medium Term Plan Example Upper Key Stage 2 (unit 19) ...................................................................................................... 14
Lesson Plan Example Key Stage 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Lesson Plan Example Lower Key Stage 2 ................................................................................................................................ 18
Lesson Plan Example Upper Key Stage 2 ................................................................................................................................ 21
Lesson Evaluation Example ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Resources Example - Interactive PowerPoints .......................................................................................................................... 25
Resources Example Flashcards ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Resources Example Worksheets ............................................................................................................................................. 31
Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
CONTACT US! ............................................................................................................................................................................ 37
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PPA Cover Ltd Scheme of Work & Lesson Planning Overview
PPA Cover Ltd have developed our own Spanish curriculum, encompassing 36 progressive units, 12 for EYFS & Key Stage 1 and 24 for Key Stage 2.
We match the ability level of your children, taking into account prior learning, and produce a bespoke overview that ensures continuation and
progression for the children to a level to put them in good stead for secondary school. PPA Cover Ltd can deliver Spanish from Year 3 within
schools that focus their MFL provision within Key Stage 2 to meet the mandatory National Curriculum requirements, from Year Reception in
schools where Spanish is a big part of the school’s education ethos, or to specific year groups within school where specialist focus is required.
Within this scheme of work and lesson plan example booklet you will find examples of our schemes of work geared towards schools with very little
prior learning in Key Stage 2 with Years 3 to 6 starting from the same initial point of unit 1 and progressing at different age related developmental
rates through to schemes of work geared towards schools who have an ethos of Spanish throughout the school where children have learnt
Spanish from EYFS or Year 1 and have progressed year-on-year to become highly competent in Spanish in upper Key Stage 2. Therefore, our
schemes of work fit all children’s ability levels no matter their prior learning experience.
PPA Cover Ltd.’s Spanish provision will:
Ensure effective pupil progress through all year groups
Be creative, engaging, and interactive for all children
Raise attainment and enthusiasm in Spanish lessons
Improve speaking, listening, and writing skills through active role play
Help children develop a better understand of Spanish culture through events, trips and celebrations
Differentiate success criteria for pupils of varying abilities
Meet the aims and objectives of all the MFL National Curriculum not only for Key Stage 2, where MFL is mandatory, but also for EYFS & Key
Stage 1 as many schools now encompass a whole school approach to teaching MFL, delivering across all year groups
Be compliant to the New OFSTED Framework
Be Deep Dive compliant
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Planning for the delivery of Spanish within a new school
The planning for the delivery of Spanish within a new school works as follows:
1. Firstly, an Operations Manager from PPA Cover Ltd will meet with your schools SLT and/or MFL coordinator to ascertain the prior learning
and previous / current scheme of work your school have in place for Spanish. During this meeting, the Operations Manager will be able to
better understand the prior learning and different ability levels across all year groups.
2. Secondly, the Operations Manager will advise your school on either continuing with the current scheme of work for Spanish or change to
PPA Cover Ltd.’s scheme of work. If you do want to continue with a current scheme of work then PPA Cover Ltd. will adapt and teach from
that scheme of work i.e. Little Linguists, Twinkl, iLanguages, La Jolie Ronde, etc. However, most schools choose to deliver PPA Cover Ltd.’s
scheme of work and steps 3 and 4 are therefore followed.
3. Thirdly, the Operations Manager will agree a curriculum map / Spanish year overview, mapping out the expected progression for the whole
of the academic year.
4. Fourthly, from the Spanish year overview the planning team will compile your lesson plans and a folder containing the planning for each
term will be delivered to your school at the start of each term.
How Our Planning Works
As detailed above, one of our Operations Managers will agree a curriculum map / year overview for Spanish, mapping out the whole of the
academic year. From this year overview the planning department will then compile the lesson plans for each term and these lesson plans are
delivered digitally to the Spanish teacher assigned to the school and printed to the school itself. The new lesson plan folder will arrive to school
termly containing all of the Spanish lesson plans to be delivered during the term, printed Spanish resources, reward stickers and certificates and a
USB flash drive containing interactive PowerPoints, Whiteboard activities and Spanish lesson plans.
The lesson plan folder is accessed by the Spanish teacher each day they are in school so as they can record the feedback and progression of each
lesson (see page 24). The lesson plan folder remains within your school so as your SLT, MFL coordinator, class teacher or OFSTED can have instant
access the lesson plans and children’s Spanish progression at any time. Furthermore, the lesson plan folder is invaluable for if the regular Spanish
teacher is ill for any reason, we would always arrange cover, and the lesson plan folder ensures seamless cover at all times.
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Deep Dive Compliant Scheme of Work
All of PPA Cover Ltd.’s schemes or work are Deep Dive compliant and are updated annually to ensure our schemes of work and lesson plans are
always kept up to date with the latest National Curriculum standards.
What To Expect From A PPA Cover Ltd Spanish Teacher
PPA Cover Ltd. specialise in planning and delivering effective, high quality Spanish lessons, that are tailored to the MFL National Curriculum, to
primary schools throughout the UK, for EYFS, Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2. All our modern foreign language’s teachers are:
Qualified to deliver language lessons within primary schools
DBS Enhanced Checked
Able to teach up to 36 children without the presence of a class Teacher or Teaching Assistant
Excellent at conveying their creative teaching ideas to children on a whole class basis
Able to differentiate lessons to meet the needs of all children
Able to make lessons fun as well as structured in order to meet National Curriculum standards
Each school is assigned a Spanish teacher and this same Spanish teacher will deliver lessons every week throughout the whole of the
academic year ensuring continuity for children and staff.
All Spanish teachers are fluent Spanish speakers and are qualified to take language lessons within primary schools. They are excellent at conveying
their creative teaching ideas to children on a whole class basis, ensuring lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of all children, while
maximising engagement by making lessons fun, as well as structured to meet National Curriculum standards.
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Spanish Throughout All Year Groups (with prior learning)
Yr R
EYFS Unit 1
EYFS Unit 2
Colours & Numbers
EYFS Unit 3
Songs & Games
Yr 1
KS1 Unit 1
KS1 Unit 3
KS1 Unit 4
Parts of the
KS1 Unit 5
KS1 Unit 6
Fruits &
Yr 2
KS1 Unit 7
Numbers &
KS1 Unit 9
Flags & Maps
KS1 Unit 10
Pencil Case
KS1 Unit 11
Songs &
KS1 Unit 12
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PPA Cover Ltd Standard Year Overview
Spanish Units 1-24 (Progression Through The Years)
Yr 3
KS2 Unit 1
Getting to
Know You
KS2 Unit 2
All About Me
(Christmas Festival)
KS2 Unit 3
Food Glorious
KS2 Unit 4
Family &
(Easter Festival)
KS2 Unit 5
Our School
KS2 Unit 6
Yr 4
KS2 Unit 7
All Around
KS2 Unit 8
On the Move
(Christmas Festival)
KS2 Unit 9
Going Shopping
KS2 Unit 10
Where in the
(Easter Festival)
KS2 Unit 11
What’s the
KS2 Unit 12
Holidays &
Yr 5
KS2 Unit 13
Getting to
Know You
KS2 Unit 14
All About
(Christmas Festival)
KS2 Unit 15
That’s Tasty
KS2 Unit 16
Family &
(Easter Festival)
KS2 Unit 17
School Life
KS2 Unit 18
Time Traveling
Yr 6
KS2 Unit 19
Let’s Visit a
Spanish Town
KS2 Unit 20
Let’s Go
(Christmas Festival)
KS2 Unit 21
This Is Spain
KS2 Unit 22
All in a Day
(Easter Festival)
KS2 Unit 23
Enjoy You
KS2 Unit 24
Creating a Café
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Spanish Key Stage 2 Only (with prior learning)
Yr 3
KS2 Unit 1
Getting to
Know You
KS2 Unit 2
All About Me
(Christmas Festival)
KS2 Unit 3
Food Glorious
KS2 Unit 4
Family &
(Easter Festival)
KS2 Unit 5
Our School
KS2 Unit 6
Yr 4
KS2 Unit 7
All Around
KS2 Unit 8
On the Move
(Christmas Festival)
KS2 Unit 9
Going Shopping
KS2 Unit 10
Where in the
(Easter Festival)
KS2 Unit 11
What’s the
KS2 Unit 12
Holidays &
Yr 5
KS2 Unit 13
Getting to
Know You
KS2 Unit 14
All About
(Christmas Festival)
KS2 Unit 15
That’s Tasty
KS2 Unit 16
Family &
(Easter Festival)
KS2 Unit 17
School Life
KS2 Unit 18
Time Traveling
Yr 6
KS2 Unit 19
Let’s Visit a
Spanish Town
KS2 Unit 20
Let’s Go
(Christmas Festival)
KS2 Unit 21
This Is Spain
KS2 Unit 22
All in a Day
(Easter Festival)
KS2 Unit 23
Enjoy You
KS2 Unit 24
Creating a Café
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Spanish Key Stage 2 Only (without prior learning)
Yr 3
KS2 Unit 1
Getting to
Know You
KS2 Unit 3
Food Glorious
KS2 Unit 5
Our School
KS2 Unit 6
Yr 4
KS2 Unit 1
Getting to
Know You
KS2 Unit 3
Food Glorious
KS2 Unit 5
Our School
KS2 Unit 6
Yr 5
KS2 Unit 1
Getting to
Know You
KS2 Unit 3
Food Glorious
KS2 Unit 5
Our School
KS2 Unit 6
Yr 6
KS2 Unit 1
Getting to
Know You
KS2 Unit 3
Food Glorious
KS2 Unit 5
Our School
KS2 Unit 6
© Copyright of PPA Cover Ltd P a g e | 10
Overview of Lower Key Stage 2 - Unit 6 Time (hora)
Overview of Unit 6: Time
In this ‘Time’ unit, your class will learn to say the days of the week, months and dates and also count on from 11 to 31. To support non-specialists,
there are sound files of all key vocabulary, plus extra teacher guidance at the end of the lesson plans where necessary.
Expectations at the end of this unit:
All children should be able to:
Say and order the days of the week
Say and order the months of the year
Count on from 11-31
Say their own birthday
Most children will be able to:
Recognise how some larger numbers are made by combining words for smaller numbers
Ask other people for their birthday
Say today’s date
Identify the correct language for ‘yesterday’ and ‘tomorrow’
Some children will be able to:
Ask and answer questions about dates
Use simple past and present tenses
New language introduced in this unit
Once, doce, trece, catorce, quince, dieciséis [11-16], veinte ,
treinta [20, 30], Veintiuno , treinta y uno [21/ 31] fois [times],
dividido por[divide by…], ¿Cuánto es? [How many is that?],
¿Cuanto es eso? [How many does that make?]
Lunes [Monday], martes [Tuesday], miércoles [Wednesday],
jueves [Thursday], viernes [Friday], sábado [Saturday],
domingo [Sunday], la semana [week], Qué día es ? [What day
is it?]
Enero [January], febrero [February], marzo [March], abril [April],
mayo [May], junio [June], julio [July], agosto [August],
septiembre [September], octubre [October], noviembre
[November], diciembre [December], año [year], mes [month]
mi [my], tu [your], aniversario [birthday], La fecha [date],
primero [first]
qué [what], con fecha de [date], Fiesta [festival], hoy [today]
calendario [calendar], con fecha de [date], hoy [today],
mañana [tomorrow], ayer [yesterday], esto es [it is], era [it was],
será [it will be], q [what - feminine], estaba [was], estarán
[will be]
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Medium Term Plan Example Lower Key Stage 2 (unit 6)
Lesson Breakdown
Learning Objectives
Resources Required
1 Counting 11-31
Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so
that others understand when they are reading aloud
or using familiar words and phrases; explore the
patterns and sounds of language and link the spelling,
sound and meaning of words; in the context of
I can recognise and repeat
sounds and words with
increasing accuracy.
I can make links between
known and new vocabulary
using sound and spelling.
Lesson Plan
2 Days of the
Listen attentively to spoken language and show
understanding by joining in and responding; in the
context of the days of the week.
I can recognise, say and
respond to a set of
Lesson Plan
3 Months of the
Read carefully and show understanding of words,
phrases and simple writing; in the context of months of
the year.
I can listen, read and
respond to a set of
Lesson Plan
4 Mon
Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases
and basic language structures; in the context of
birthday dates.
I can speak in sentences
using known vocabulary
and grammar.
Lesson Plan
Class birthday list
5 What’s the
Date Today?
Present ideas and information orally to a range of
audiences; in the context of talking about festivals.
I can use known language
to present information about
Spanish festival dates.
Lesson Plan
6 Yesterday,
Understand basic grammar rules appropriate to the
language being studied, how to apply these, for
instance, to build sentences; and how these differ
from or are similar to English; i.e. date
I can begin to conjugate the
verb ‘to be’ for past and
future tense.
Lesson Plan
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Overview of Upper Key Stage 2 - Unit 19 Let’s Visit A Spanish Town (Visitemos una ciudad
Overview of Unit 19: Let’s Visit a Spanish Town
In this ‘Let’s Visit a Spanish Town’ unit, your class will apply previous skills and knowledge of topic areas such as places in a town, directions, homes
and numbers to develop their speaking and listening abilities. They will have more focused practice using bilingual dictionaries and increase their
understanding of word classes and other grammatical features of the language.
New language introduced in this unit
Yo/tu/él/ella/nosotros/tu/ellos [I/you/he/ she/we/you/they],
dónde [where], vivir [to live]
Nadar [to swim], rezar [to pray], comprar
[to buy], aprender [to learn], llevar [to catch train/bus], mirar
[to watch], dar un paseo [to go for a walk], Escuela [school],
Iglesia [church], piscina [swimming pool], estación [railway
station], cine [cinema], parque [park], mezquita [mosque],
librería [bookshop]
Preposición [preposition], al lado de [next to], en frente de
[opposite], librería [bookshop], Biblioteca [library], carnicería
[butcher], restaurante [restaurant], banco [bank], pista [ice
rink], oficina de Turismo [tourist information], Ayuntamiento
[town hall], Où est ___? [Where is___?]
Numbers up to 1000, ¿Qué número tienes?[What number have
you got?], Yo tengo el numero___ [I’ve got number ___],
mayor que [bigger than], menos que / menos que [smaller
than/ less big than], adjetivo [adjective], X es ___ más que Y [X
is ___ more than Y], X es ___ menor que Y [X is ___ less than Y],
sustracción [subtraction], menos [less/ subtract], hecho
Armario [wardrobe], alfombra [rug], televisión [TV], sofá [sofa],
Sillón [armchair], horno [oven], delantal [apron], mesa [table],
tarea [homework], servilleta [towel], manta [blanket], oso /
osito de peluche [teddy], gorra [cap], maleta [suitcase], Silla
Ordinal [ordinal], número [number], primero [first], en segundo
[second], tercera [third], cuatro [fourth], quinto [fifth], sexto
[sixth], séptimo [seventh], último [last]
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Expectations at the end of this unit:
All children should be able to:
Make simple sentences with vivir (to live)
Listen to and join in a song
Recognise key words and phrases and respond
Use gestures to support what they are saying
Use a bilingual dictionary with support
Identify places in a Spanish town or city
Listen for familiar vocabulary
Recognise ordinal numbers
Recognise a spelling pattern
Most children will be able to:
Choose the correct form to go with the subject of the sentence
Talk about what there is to do in a town
Use simple prepositional phrases
Use a bilingual dictionary
Ask/answer questions about where a place is
Use appropriate words for number operations
Recognise and use ordinal numbers
Identify a spelling pattern
Join in with a song or poem to help remember new language
Some children will be able to:
Vary the noun and verb appropriately for their purpose
Compare and order numbers up to 1000
Use prior learning to help make informed guesses
Apply a spelling pattern to make a new word
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Medium Term Plan Example Upper Key Stage 2 (unit 19)
Lesson Breakdown
Learning Objectives
Resources Required
1 Who Lives Where?
To understand basic grammar appropriate to the
language being studied, how to apply these, for
instance, to build sentences; and how these differ
from or are similar to English; in the context of talking
about where people live. To appreciate stories,
songs, poems and rhymes in the language; in the
context of finding out where people live
I can show how verbs change
depending on the subject.
I can join in a song with familiar
Lesson Plan
2 I Go to School
to Learn
To present ideas and information orally to a range
of audiences; in the context of discussing what you
can do in your town.
I can explain to someone why I
do something.
Lesson Plan
3 Where Is the
To broaden their vocabulary and develop their
ability to understand new words that are introduced
into familiar written material, including through using
a dictionary; in the context of discussing Spanish
towns. To describe people, places, things and
actions orally and in writing; in the context of
exploring maps
I can locate new vocabulary
in a bilingual dictionary.
I can describe the position of
places in Spanish towns.
Lesson Plan
(book or
Strips of card
(wide border
roll works
4 Maths
To speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary,
phrases and basic language structures; in the
context of mathematics.
I can use Spanish terms for
mathematical activities.
Lesson Plan
0-9 dice
Large digit cards
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5 Welcome to
My Home!
To listen attentively to spoken language and show
understanding by joining in and responding; in the
context of visiting someone’s home.
I can follow and respond to an
audio presentation.
Lesson Plan
6 Ordinal
To explore the patterns and sounds of language
through songs and rhymes and link the spelling,
sound and meaning of words; in the context of
exploring ordinal numbers.
I can identify and apply
spelling patterns.
Lesson Plan
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Lesson Plan Example Key Stage 1
Years 1 & 2, Unit 2: Number 1 - 10
Lesson Pack
Check your video link is working.
Book hall time if necessary, or push
chairs and tables aside to make
space in the classroom
Key Words:
Cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco,
seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. [zero-
ten], ¿Cuánto es? [How many is
that?], Cuanto es eso? [How many
does that make?], Más [add/plus],
menos [take away/subtract], Igual
Lesson no: 5 Numbers 1 - 10
Duration: 45 mins 1 hour
Lesson Objective: Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when
they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases; Appreciate stories, songs, poems and
rhymes in the language; in the context of counting.
Learning Outcome: To recognise and repeat sounds and words accurately. To use songs to support
my learning.
Prior Learning: It will be helpful if children have some knowledge of Spain or the Spanish language
Teaching Points
Differentiation activity
Focus Activity
Teacher Led
Numbers 0 to 10 and Pause... Ask if anyone already knows
how to count in Spanish; there may be several already. Use
the Lesson Presentation to introduce the pronunciation of
each number and to teach the spelling of each new number
word, giving children time to listen and repeat after each
new word. Ask the children to say each number before you
reveal the word. The Lesson Presentation pauses after number
5 and number 10, to allow you to practise the numbers in
smaller chunks. Are the children listening well and
pronouncing the new language accurately? Drill any
numbers necessary.
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Main Content
Whole Class
Individual Activity
Whole Class Activity
Pairs Activity
Do a Mexican wave of the numbers round the room. Children
stand up, put their hands in the air and say the next number,
then sit down quickly
Matching Up Activity and Memory Match Game: Children
match up the visual number with the correct word using the
Matching Words and Digits Activity Sheet or Numbers Memory
Match Game. Encourage the children to create their own way
of recording the pronunciation to help them remember
The Counting Song: Sing the Spanish Counting Song and
encourage children to do actions as well. Extra challenge -
once children are familiar with the song, can they get Cero in
as well?
Snap! Each pair has several sets of 0-10 Cards mixed up. Shuffle
and deal. Play snap, saying the numbers in Spanish as you take
turns to reveal each card
Playit: Play a game of Snakes & Ladders
using our 0-10 Spinner. Children call out the
number they’ve rolled, then count along in
Encourage your class to use Spanish
numbers for counting games in the
playground, e.g. hopscotch (rayuela)
Play the Interactive Memory Match Game
on the BBC learning site.
Muéstrame[show me] Children collect a
handful of similar items on their table (e.g.
blocks, counters, pencils…) Teacher (or
child) picks a number from the Key
Vocabulary Flashcards and calls out e.g.
¡Enséñame diez!As quickly as possible,
children have to array the correct number
of items in front of them.
Low: Only use part of the 0-10 Cards at a
time, e.g. 0-5 or 6-10
High: Use all the 0-10 Cards.
Turn over at the same time, so they have to
think more quickly to say both numbers.
Whole Class Activity
Numbers 0-10 Quiz: Use the 0-10 Quiz Presentation to assess
whether they can recognise the words and sounds of the
numbers. This could also be played in pairs or groups.
Use our Counting to 10 Lotto Boards to
reinforce the numbers. Children can play in
groups with one as caller
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Lesson Plan Example Lower Key Stage 2
Years 3 & 4, Unit 6: Time
Lesson Pack
Matching Game Cards Months - per
Picture and Word Flashcards Months -
per group
Cache-Cache Envelope - per group
Number Cards 1 - 12 Months - 1 per
child Picture Cards Months - per pair
Differentiated Activity Sheet Months -
1 per pair
Key Words:
Enero [January], febrero [February], marzo
[March], abril [April], mayo [May], junio
[June], julio [July], agosto [August],
septiembre [September], octubre [October],
noviembre [November], diciembre
[December], año [year], mes [month]
Lesson no: 3 Months of the Year
Duration: 45 mins 1 hour
Lesson Objective: Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing;
in the context of months of the year.
Learning Outcome: I can listen, read and respond to a set of vocabulary.
Prior Learning: Children will have learned numbers up to 12 in previous lessons.
Teaching Points
Differentiation activity
Focus Activity
Whole Class
Talk Partners
What Do You Know? Ask the class if they know anything
about where our month names come from. Have a quick
spelling challenge of the tricky ones such as February.
Qué mes es ? [What Month Is It?] Show all the months on the
board. Children discuss which ones they think
they might know based on how the word is spelled.
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Main Content
Whole Class
Whole Class
Group Activity
Group Activity
Whole Class
Pairs Activity
Qué mes es ? Use the Lesson Presentation to introduce and
practise each group of months using the target
question. What do they notice about the punctuation? (no
capital letters like days of the week)
Todo el año [The Year All Together] Recap the pronunciation
and order of the months all together.
Encuentra las parejas [Find the Partners] Groups play a
memory match or snap game with Matching Game Cards
Escondite! [Hide and Seek] Children take turns to slip a
Picture and Word Flashcards Months into the Escondite
envelope and slowly draw it out, asking Qué mes es ?, while
the rest guess using the target phrase e.g. ¿Es junio?si / no.
Aquí hay un año [This is a Year] Teach un año. Give out
Number Cards 1 - 12 Months and Months
Vocabulary Flashcards. Children find their partner and order
themselves to make un año. (Make extra copies of cards for
un año /a year etc. if necessary.).
¡Muéstrame!Children match the correct word from Activity
Sheet Months with Picture Cards Months and write it on. Make
a poster to show un año in order.
Low: Children are given a list
of month words given in order with English
Medium: Children are given a list
of month words to order without translation
High: Children solve anagrams & order
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Whole Class
Use a ‘Macarena’ backing track and fit the month words to
each hand movement (how convenient there are 12
beats!). You could say Hey, es un año! as the finishing line
where the children jump a quarter turn and clap.
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Lesson Plan Example Upper Key Stage 2
Years 5 & 6, Unit 19: Let’s Visit a Spanish Town
Lesson Pack
0-9 dice
Large digit cards
Spanish Number Loop Cards 0 1000
Spanish Number Mats - as required
More or Less Than Sentence Prompt
as required
Differentiated More or Less Than
Gap Fill - as required
Key Words:
Numbers up to 1000, ¿Qué número
tienes?[What number have you got?], Yo
tengo el numero___ [I’ve got number ___],
mayor que [bigger than], menos que /
menos que [smaller than/ less big than],
adjetivo [adjective], X es ___ más que Y [X
is ___ more than Y], X es ___ menor que Y
[X is ___ less than Y], sustracción
[subtraction], menos [less/ subtract], hecho
Lesson no: 4 - Maths
Duration: 45 mins 1 hour
Lesson Objective: To speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language
structures; in the context of mathematics.
Learning Outcome: I can use Spanish terms for mathematical activities.
Prior Learning: It will be helpful if children can already say numbers up to 1000 and use the words
más y menos for simple calculations.
Teaching Points
Differentiation activity
Whole Class
¡Cuenta conmigo! [Count with Me!] Assess the children’s
memory and pronunciation of numbers using
Spanish Number Loop Cards 0 1000 to practise. Use large digit
cards to recap a simple subtraction number sentence e.g.
Nueve menos cinco son cuatro.
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Main Content
Whole Class
Group Activity
Pairs Activity
Whole Class
¿Más o menos? [More or Less?] How do we compare
numbers? What sort of words do we need? Using the Lesson
Presentation, introduce the comparisons mayor que and
menos que / menos que. Use the More or Less Flashcards and
large digit cards to demonstrate and practise the sentences
physically e.g. Siete es menor que nueve / Ocho es mayor
que tres.
Hagamos una fila de números [Let’s Make a Line of Numbers]
Each child has a Number Card. They tell a partner their
number (Yo tengo el numero...) and ask the question ¿Qué
número tienes? Then put themselves in order in their pairs and
groups, using the target phrases s de and menos de. If
time allows, extend this to combine and reorder in groups or
even the whole class.
Resta [Subtraction] Children use 0-9 dice to self-generate
subtraction calculations at an appropriate
level (given by the teacher but with numbers manageable in
words) and solve these using their standard method. Say the
calculation aloud to partner e.g. Quinientos cuarenta y dos
menos doscientos diecinueve son trescientos veintitrés.
¿Más o menos cuánto exactamente? [How Many More or
Less Exactly?] How can we be more precise
about describing our numbers and calculations than just plus
grand que and plus pequeño que / menos que? use the
More or Less Exactly? Flashcards to teach and practise the
further comparative phrases es ___ más que y es ___ menos
Low: Give the smaller number cards and
Spanish Number Mat as language support.
Medium: Give the smaller number cards
and Spanish Number Mat as language
support. Extension: write >1000 numbers on
blank cards to extend the challenge.
High: Write >1000 numbers on blank cards
to extend the challenge.
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Talking Partners
Dime [Tell Me] Children make comparative number
sentences with their partner, using the calculations from
the previous activity. As an extra challenge, ask them to write
the sentences out in words.
Low: Give Spanish Number Mat as
language support. Use differentiated More
or Less Than Gap Fill as necessary.
Medium: Give the More or Less Than
Sentence Prompt or use the More or Less
Than Gap Fill as necessary.
High: Give the More or Less Than Sentence
Prompt to support.
Whole Class
Recap the key words and Encourage the class to compare
and contrast using the new phrases (see language notes).
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Lesson Evaluation Example
Lesson Evaluation (To be completed by the teacher at the end of every lesson)
Teaching Points
Group/ Independent activity
Objectives of module:
Were these achieved?
Date of lesson:
Lesson Evaluation: What worked well? What did not work as
Success Criteria:
I can read and say the months of the year.
I can show my understanding by ordering the
months correctly.
Did Most Children Meet The Success Criteria?
Strategies for next lesson:
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Resources Example - Interactive PowerPoints
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Resources Example Flashcards
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Resources Example Worksheets
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do your staff have DBS?
Yes, all of our staff have Enhanced DBS checks. A copy of the DBS and all other safeguarding information will be sent to a school via a staff
datasheet prior to any staff member’s first day of teaching.
Do your staff have Safeguarding training?
Yes, all of our staff undertake safeguarding training annually.
Are your staff all qualified teachers? Have they got QTS?
All of our staff are subject specialists and are not only qualified to teach their given subject but also bring great passion and enthusiasm to
teaching their subject. We have Qualified and Non-Qualified Teaching Specialists across our pool of staff with around 60% being QTS. However,
during OFSTED inspections and regular lesson observations our Non-QTS staff score on par with our QTS staff.
What training do your staff have?
Prior to any staff member being placed within a school for PPA Cover Ltd they undertake training in areas such as behavior management,
classroom management, teaching strategies, lesson pace and delivery, school codes of conduct, child psychology.
What Happens if your staff are off sick?
Our sickness and illness policy states that a staff member must call into the head office before 7am if they are going to be off sick that day. We
will then arrange for one of our cover PPA teachers to cover the regular PPA teacher.
Do you do assessments?
Yes, after every lesson the PPA teacher will record an assessment on the lesson evaluation sheet.
Do you do end of year reports?
Yes, towards the end of the school year the PPA teacher will complete reports in accordance with the school's requirements.
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What is your Quality Assurance?
Our Quality Assurance firstly starts with our Operations Managers. Every school is assigned an Operations Manager who is tasked with ensuring
high quality teaching and learning within any of our PPA subjects. The Operations Manager will assess a school's requirements and then assign
the teacher that best meets the school's requirements. The Operations Manager will then conduct termly lesson observations on the PPA teacher
to ensure high quality teaching and learning.
Do you complete lesson observations?
Yes, lesson observations are completed by our Operation Managers termly, and a copy of the formal lesson observation is submitted to the
school. A member of the schools SLT can also observe alongside the Operations Manager if required.
Will I have a Main Point of Contact?
Yes, all of our schools are designated a School Liaison Officer who will be your direct point of contact, for any questions, queries and support.
You will also be assigned a local Operations Manager, who will visit school throughout the Academic Year to provide quality assurance and
complete observations on our staff members.
How do I get Feedback?
Feedback from the PPA teacher is given daily in regards to how the lesson went that day or any information that needs to be passed on.
Management feedback from lesson observations is given termly via the Operations Manager and School Liaison Officer.
Can you guarantee me the same teacher week in week out?
Yes, you will be assigned one PPA teacher for each PPA subject and this teacher will be assigned to your school for the whole of the academic
Are the lessons in-line with the National Curriculum?
Yes, our lesson plans / scheme of work are updated annually to ensure they meet the latest National Curriculum / OFSTED guidelines as well as
incorporating best practice.
What about OFSTED Framework Deep Dive?
All schemes of work and lesson plans meet the OFSTED Framework Deep Dive. PPA Cover Ltd. provide each school with documentation
evidencing the teaching and learning within each PPA subject. This evidence includes what children have been taught, what curriculum points
they have covered, each topic taught and what children have achieved throughout the year.
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What If I am unhappy with my provision?
If you are unhappy with any part of your provision, please contact your designated School Liaison Officer as soon as possible to discuss your
concerns. A meeting will be arranged for your Operations Manager to visit school within 7 days to complete a full observation. Full support will
be provided to the Teacher and school in order to provide a solution to your concerns. A return visit will be scheduled for 14 days’ time to ensure
the smooth delivery of service, should for any reason this not be the case a replacement teacher will be offered.
What other services do you offer?
We can also provide Lunchtime Clubs and After School Clubs in addition to PPA service on those days, unfortunately we do not offer stand alone
clubs. Please ask for further details with a PPA Cover Ltd. representative.
Are there any additional charges?
There are no additional charges to your PPA Cover Service. Registration, Dismissal of the children and daily evaluations are all part of the
complete service that we provide.
Further questions or information required do not hesitate to contact us.
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0800 448 0404